6x8 Shed with Power and Water... What would you do?


Active Member
So, I posted on here before about an outdoor grow I started. See, I bought this house and have grown dro before in apts, but now that I own a place, I have many more options. I started with an outdoor grow to take advantage of the free light. But now after the troubles of moving plants and dealing with weather, I decided to move in doors..

So I have a storage shed and it's wired for power and I have a water source right behind it. I want to harvest about a lb twice yearly. So taking into consideration, ease of grow, most bang for your buck, and the most primo smoke... What would YOU do?


Well-Known Member
insulate the hell out of it so you have no heat signature. add some lights and runn some hydro set up and put a big lock on it


Active Member
what heathaa said, I would use a nice hyrdo set up with the most amount of light you can afford. In a space that big you could definitely run a 1000w hps with no problems. The hydro would give you the best results, but requires a little more know how. You were given a gift with this shed, embrace it for all of us.


Well-Known Member
if you plan on doing it for a while you can put a wall down the middle and break it into two rooms. have a veggie room and a flower room. that way after a few months of practice as the plants are being harvested you can move the plants from the veggie room to the flower room and keep cloning so as some are finishing some are getting started. that way its like an assembly line and you constantly have smoke rotating.....good luck


Active Member
Ok, so I looked up 1000w, not too much more than the 400 I was going to buy. Now given that in mh for grow, and hps for flower, a small area with cfls for cloning.. What would be best to use for insulation, and with that much room and light, ebb and flow, or dwc? I have done ebb and flow before but on a small scale, so that's probably the method I will use. Unless there are newer methods that are more effective, haven't grown in about 10 years.