6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
i will def get some pics up today, there looking nice and fat now with 3-4 weeks to go, ive had to prop them up with garden canes and wire, rhinos put the most weight on in the last 2-3 weeks so i have a feeling there going to be monsters. im vegging under cfl as well and plan on adding another 125 watter when they need it, 4 weeks is enough to get them to 18 inches under cfl so harvest every 8 weeksish.


Well-Known Member
as promised 4tat! there not the best photos though best i could do, need a good camera. photos dont do them justice, there very sticky. :hump:



Well-Known Member
Not the best photos but those colas are in the best shape!!! Damn ROB nice grow!!!! No link or journal?


thanks bk, no ive got no journal m8, haven't really got the time to keep it updated. like i said above they've still got another 3-4 weeks to go so expecting some nice bud.


Well-Known Member
rob...very nice bro!!! those duel lights are kicking some serious lumins in there. very n ice buds, what strain are you growing there? keep us posetd on here, we all like porn lol


Well-Known Member
Genuity started a 600 vertical thread and it's got me all fired about vertical grow rooms again. I had one for a bit but haven't for a while now.


Well-Known Member
res change today, mostly bloom enhancers, very little nitrogen. they are drinking 7 gallons every day now...if theygo 70 days i still got like 19 to go. by the looks of them i think 2 more weeks should do them. im banking on that read with the nute change i just did. hope im not cutting them short...


Well-Known Member
now that i look at these pics i think they will go the full 70. possably a bit more. weard how the read is different if your not looking at the whole thing. in front of the tent its just almost too much to be able to isolate n read properly. they are puffing up so much n so fast its hard for me to tell. will relie on scope to tell me.

anyone got a guess on how much longer?


Well-Known Member
i would guess theres still 2-3 weeks left m8, most of the hairs are still standing straight up. looking nice though! mine are white rhino, started adding the pk 13/14 couple of days ago.


Well-Known Member
Girlz look friggin awesome 4t! I'd agree with Dez and Rob bout the 2-3 weeks left...think they're swelling now? Wait another week lulz So stoked for you man! Killer strain and that system is doin them justice...cant ask for much more ;) Keep em comin mane


Well-Known Member
Thanks every one for your input. they are already bigger colas and buds than my previous grows and neadless to say im very excited with this grow. standing in front of that tent so full of monster colas its hard to believe they will go another 3 weeks, but when i look at them individually i realize they still have a long way to go. they are visibally swelling every day, will soon require more supports in there as the tops are very heavy and dense. i will keep posting regular from now on out so keep tuned in and we will see some monster colas soon.
i promise not to get too anxious and chop too soon lol, will relie on scope to make sure some amber is showing...


Well-Known Member
What you should do is harvest some in 2 weeks then some more in 3 weeks and more at 4 weeks so that way you will know where the sweet spot is for chopping! You seem to have a lot of colas there to try that method of harvesting! That way when you do another run of HB you know exactly when to harvest them! Or just let the trichs do the talking!