6th week of flowering and spider mites

I haven't seen anything on my plants until now, I opened up my grow today to see some small webs on the tops of my buds.... EEEEEK!!!!

I've determined that they're spider mites, I've removed most of my fan leaves and vacummed the plants gently.

I have azamax that I used last girl, I want to give them a spray when its about to be lights out but not sure that it would be a good idea since I only have 3 weeks left.

I have some super danky and sticky and don't want to loose them to some spider mites...

solutions please

Thanks in advanced :)


Well-Known Member
spider mites would start at the bottom of your plant and your plant would be completly covered with them if you had webbing.. you sure you dont have some kind of mold or fungus?
Well I have been dropping the temp down really low, I heard that they start to go up to the top of the plant when its that cold and can be vacuumed out for a temporary solution to the mite problem.


Well-Known Member
U removed most of ur fan leaves?...and u vacuumed ur plant?.....and now u wanna spray em?....might as well I guess....sounds like maybe ur moving a little fast....slow down and chill out on the plant...I doubt ur plant became infested w spider mites iver night. ...
Okay, Checked them today right before lights out didn't see many bugs, thinking maybe I can continue on maybe until they finish before pulling.

ph perfect

U got webs on 6th week I hate to say this but your fucked mites are the worst the fuckers take 12 day to get rid of


Active Member
U got webs on 6th week I hate to say this but your fucked mites are the worst the fuckers take 12 day to get rid of
How dk you figure? I did 3 days of dokter doom, then 2 days of Mighty wash, then 2 feedings of neem on soil and foliage, that thinned it out very well, no signs of them.


Well-Known Member
at 6 weeks in, there's very little you can do. i'd give them a very gentle rinse right before harvest to remove any webs and mites left on the plant.
Ide harvest.. better than losing her
I don't really like pulling early, it takes away from the bud.... In between the temp drop that slowed them down to cutting fan leaves, it seem to be okay, hopefully.

I'm going to keep a close eye on them and pull if I really need to but I am trying to go the full time :) thanks for the advice though :)
Thats what I am thinking.... Not really willing to loose taste at this point....

Have a co2 setup waiting to be put together..... maybe that'll help, what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
my question is....what is causing your plants to get spider mites? find the source of your problem 1st. then kill or same shit could happen again!

good luck to you
my question is....what is causing your plants to get spider mites? find the source of your problem 1st. then kill or same shit could happen again!

good luck to you

Yeah, been keeping an eye on them and they don't seem to be coming back :)

I guess the problem was me not showering when coming from outside into the garden, probably got it from working on the roses..... blah....

we'll see

happy growing :)