Well I still haven't found my camera and unfortunately the new Nikon D7200 I ordered was shipped back to due to " shipping back to seller, did not want" which it never even came close to my house according to my tracking information.. Apparently FedEx fucked everyhthing all up and it will probably be a few weeks before I get it..
However, I did remember that my tablet has a camera so that's what I used, please excuse the picture quality. I could have used my phone but im not a fan of that due to information being embedded in the pictures, i dunno how to fix that so.
Here they are from left to right if you cant read the writing on the cups. Kimbo kush, snowmonster, sunshine daydream, and skylotus.
Again all were germinated on 2/21 and sprouted on 2/26 except for the skylotus which sprouted on 2/25. My sour grapes seed looks to be pushing up the soil little but still hasn't fully sprouted so I guess that ones out.