6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

image.jpg Well so far only 2 of the 5 Bodhi seeds nl#5 have popped out of the ground( maybe I should have planted earlier,) anywho 1st one popped on the 26th and the other seed early this morning while I was sleeping. The Lighting I'm Using is a quantum 8 bulb four foot t'5 all slight spectral variances 2800k- 3500k...sorry guys still waiting on my LED power supplies to show up for that new 150w Hans panel...
media used; happy frog, ocean forest lucky dog and coco-loco. With Ewc, kelp and ancient forest amended, inoculated with og biowar root and nute packs as well as pro mix powder, also some rock dust and ancient earth were added as well as added perlite. My own kinda special soil blend, will be watering with beneficial teas and select bottles of nectar for the gods.
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Well so far only one of my 5 seeds sprouted it popped out on the 25th, its Burmese kush .aka. Buku by ThSeeds.For my grow op I'm using a mixture of ancient forest, lucky dog, ocean forest, coco loco and happy frog for my soil. I got 8 four 1/2 foot florescent lights sitting at about 2 1/2 feet off the ground. I'm also gonna try some Dyna grow foot my nutrient.Good luck and happy growing everyone.


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Update: Day 8

The pair of Master Kaze are doing well, tickety boo. They're going to be my deadly duo going forward tho.
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My lone remaining NL X AF is being withdrawn from the comp, since it failed to do anything after the initial pop above soil. Damn, I have good results with this strain usually...guess it wasn't meant to be this round.
strain name, nutrients used, light source used, media used and germination date (day of sprout)

C99, MaxiGro/MaxiBloom, LED (multiple epistar 30w) + CMH + UVB Tanning, 100% vermiculite, planted last sunday, broke surface Tuesday through this morning.

For some reason my good camera wouldn't accept my memory card today, so stuck with crap quality for this post.


Name/date is on cup, but black sharpie.
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Well I still haven't found my camera and unfortunately the new Nikon D7200 I ordered was shipped back to due to " shipping back to seller, did not want" which it never even came close to my house according to my tracking information.. Apparently FedEx fucked everyhthing all up and it will probably be a few weeks before I get it..

However, I did remember that my tablet has a camera so that's what I used, please excuse the picture quality. I could have used my phone but im not a fan of that due to information being embedded in the pictures, i dunno how to fix that so.

Here they are from left to right if you cant read the writing on the cups. Kimbo kush, snowmonster, sunshine daydream, and skylotus.

Again all were germinated on 2/21 and sprouted on 2/26 except for the skylotus which sprouted on 2/25. My sour grapes seed looks to be pushing up the soil little but still hasn't fully sprouted so I guess that ones out.


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@snowboarder396 you have an hour and 45 minutes left for that puppy to pop!

Keep an eye on it- sometimes those stragglers are the real winners!

Ah, I have a feeling it dampened off. I'm not gonna worry about it to much it's only one, and actually planned on being asleep hours ago. It's after 11 now and I usually get up at 3 in morning to start the day.

Good luck to everyone!

"Elsa" is my IG Pro200Par cup. She's @provisionseeds Deep Purple Kush and from what I've read, its killer! She's front and center in my newly redesigned "downstairs" flower chamber.( BTW Darryl at Inda-gro, I don't know if you stay up with this comp, but I cannot thank you enough for your continued support! I really appreciate everything you've done for me, and for the community!) Elsa gets the same exact treatment - GH Flora nova, Mini DWC, and Front and center garden placement- as her much more beautiful, timid sister
"Anna" who is my 600 watt HPS cup. I'm doing a little side by side here and am hoping that the IG200 can meet or beat the 600 HPS. I have faith, but I also have my doubts... Its said to be equal to a 400 watt HPS, and the science says that at 10-12 inches a 400 watt HPS is about equivalent to a 600 watt hps in terms of initial lumen output... I'm running Two, 2'Lx3'Wx3.5'H chambers:

HPS upstairs, IG200 downstairs
I can typically get at least 3/4 lb each chamber, on alternating monthly schedules... Well I just got the IG200 so I guess we'll see if it puts out like it claims right @mc130p ?