6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

i still stand with the idea of DQing, if not the having penalties implied. as i said in earlier post, if this was jus a who grows best for rep then w/e... but @The Gator @provisionseeds @Midweek Song @GorillaSeedBank as well as the rest of Sponsors are putting up Tangible prizes, and I'm willing to bet dollar to dime they would adhere to the rules they apply to their contest reguardless of the feelings.
Should a person who did not follow SIMPLE rules, lessen a chance of a person who follows the rules.
I have 3k worth of lights jus sitting around, so the need for more lights is not the reason for my long winded post.
I think DQ'd people being able to vote is what scares us away from speaking up.
This is why I don't really feel that it should be left to us contestants to do the policing. I think FC has done an amazing job as host (the number and quality of sponsors he has secured is proof of that), but I don't really feel like he should leave these things until the crowd calls for blood, he should just be enforcing the rules that he set and made explicitly clear. That would take care of the whole issue of people having to worry about whether or not blowing the whistle will lose them votes in the end, and it would also take care of the issue of some rules being enforced and others being ignored until people make a fuss. I know they're not really the same thing, but it might be worth noting that an 18oz cup is ~13% over the size limit and results in DQ, and 2 days late is ~29% over the time limit. Granted, a larger cup gives more of an advantage than a late update, but they are both rules so I dunno... Personally I am a fan of all rules being enforced in the way they are written (As evidenced by my previous inquiry about the "Written on cup" rule allowing Labels as opposed to actual writing), if you enforce every rule the way it is written there is much less room for controversy, and I would think that would be in the best interest of everyone. I mean, I would assume that the sponsors want the rules to be followed, to give them a little assurance that they're indeed giving prizes to the top competitors, who are willing to put in the time and work and follow all the rules. Not for nothing, but in any other competition, especially with prizes like this on the line, MAKING the time to do things like update on time are kinda part of the deal, if you aren't willing and/or able to do that, that sucks, but you are an adult and you set your own priorities, and the people who DO make the sacrifices to keep the schedule shouldn't be punished for it by potentially losing out on a prize that winds up being claimed by someone for whom following the rules just wasn't convenient.
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Hey guys. Wow, a lot to read :shock:
Ok, apologies in advance for the essay...a :joint: in the morning means baked for the day...in my house anyways :mrgreen:
Yesterday was a one off day for me, all i really want to say is that it was a pressing family matter which i care deeply about. If it's any consolation, i am exhausted today! Moving around the contents of a house for 8 hours...rad :-?
I did actually take a few (substandard) photos, but didn't have time to upload them and give a decent update.
Anyway, i will be taking pics and back within the hour with ALL the news that matters :roll: and you'll hopefully see about the need to update properly. :peace:

Personally regarding "late" updates, cmon guys life happens...we can all tell if/when someone is blatantly disrespecting the rules, and if that happens, BY ALL MEANS :fire: fry 'em in the pits of hell :lol:
But we're all human beings and this life thing does have a habit of hitting you from out of no where. also we're ...*ahem*... people who enjoy the fruits of our labor :weed::eyesmoke:bongsmilie:bigjoint: empathy for our lazy assed comrades :peace: !
We're a month into this thing, the remaining contestants OBVIOUSLY are taking it seriously (and kudos to you all :clap: if you could all fuck up now that would be great ;-)) to be thrown out having come so far would be a shame.
Anyways, quick coffee and maybe another :joint:
Brb :peace:
leave it to a community decision.... I hate to be short, I have a HUGE job interview for a company that's just starting up, and I think they're going to grow exponentially! I gotta prepare!
No joke, this is my month old DPK.....
View attachment 3379119
They still don't know what the hell they're doing... I hate to say it but I'm moving them to the veg tent.... Maybe a couple weeks under an IG420 will con some roots out....
Try without the jeffys. I personally hate using jeffys for seedling. We just pop them into beer cups.
I propose an amendment that will be added to the existing 7 day update rule.
- Each contestant gets one (1) free late update, the late update cannot be more than ten (10) days from previous update.

Reason being: LIFE HAPPENS PEOPLE! All sorts of things could happen to prevent someone getting an update on time so some leniency is actually necessary or a requirement to finish this comp would be to have no life and live in a bubble. If you're mad about people not following the rules, don't fret because those who are simply missing updates at this point for no good reason will be sure to miss another one just be patient.

Also I think we need to start taking into consideration an unwritten statute of limitations when calling people out for breaking rules... its pretty bad when we all let someone grow for 4 weeks in an 18 oz cup, obviously that had to be taken care of but let's learn from that and start focusing on the hear and now in order to prevent stringing anybody else along just to have them DQd at a later inconvenience.
End of being a lawyer back to being the spreadsheet guy in a few moments....
Screenshot (42).png Screenshot (43).png
Okay so the trend of 2 dropping a week has continued with the unfortunate outcome of @snowboarder396's cup size and with @0vergrown420 still missing an update at the moment (for the second time btw) I'll assume he's out. Who will be the next two to go?

In light of the late update controversy this week I'll actually post a picture of the "attendance". red=Late, pink=flower, green=good. As you can all see there's been quite a few late ones but only a couple multiple lates so do what you want with this info, I've done my part and said my piece...
Screenshot (44).png Screenshot (45).png
Btw in case anyone missed it FC will be busy for the next couple days so don't get annoyed if he doesn't handle this right away, believe it or not but there are more important things in life than this competition


I personally had tons of contractors in my rooms over the weekend getting a new Samsung 2 ton mini split installed, had to take down all my light in my bloom room for them to have room to install lines and condensate pumps and what not. I was so stressed for time Saturday trying to put things back up and in place once they left. I barely got stuff hung , and ran all Saturday without air cooled hoods due to running out of time and also wanted to test the ac out and then Sunday was filled with work( my real job) watering and continuing to hook stuff back up and organize things. I actually took pictures on Sunday but fell asleep on my couch before I got them updated, lol. Life happens, I appreciate you guys understanding that! No worries I'll get another update posted a little early this week to make up for last week.
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Okay so the trend of 2 dropping a week has continued with the unfortunate outcome of @snowboarder396's cup size and with @0vergrown420 still missing an update at the moment (for the second time btw) I'll assume he's out. Who will be the next two to go?

In light of the late update controversy this week I'll actually post a picture of the "attendance". red=Late, pink=flower, green=good. As you can all see there's been quite a few late ones but only a couple multiple lates so do what you want with this info, I've done my part and said my piece...
View attachment 3379420 View attachment 3379421
Btw in case anyone missed it FC will be busy for the next couple days so don't get annoyed if he doesn't handle this right away, believe it or not but there are more important things in life than this competition
Thanks for all the compiled information on this comp bryleetch really interesting to look at and compare yourself with others in the comp!
I don't mean to sound like a dick but how hard is it update every 7 days. Most of us in this have our cups along side our main grows and are checking on them every day or every few days so I don't get why it's so hard to just snap a pic upload it on here and write a few words about it. I think one day late is more than enough and if someone is late more than 2 times they should be DQ'd this is my first cup comp and haven't been let and I'm sure I'll be late once but I'll work really hard not too. Like others have said just post a update early if you know you'll be busy on your 7th day. Awesome grows so far and props to everyone regardless on who's late or whatever. Thanks to our awesome host good luck with the job interview and the amazing sponsors for the awesome prizes and good deal on seeds! I'm gonna germ to purple widows in the next few days I can not wait to get this going sounds super tasty I love white widow!
UPDATE TIME :mrgreen:

Ok, to start...please could i have a ruling on a calamity i've had (it's been that kinda week :mad:)
My timer broke :-( it wasn't switching off. Thankfully i noticed (i am not here to tend to them for huge chunks of my day/night but phew i was home), but the lights were ON for 13 and a half hours instead of 12.
I went straight out and bought a cheapass timer from the only place that was open. The next day i came home expecting the lights to be off, but they were ON again :sad: the cheapass timer is cheapass, it didn't time. The lights had been on for 15 hours. I then had to leave for the night so my plants were then in dark for 15 hours.
So basically the lights have been 13.5/12/15/15 up to this moment in time.
If this means i can't continue then sadly i'll take it, but it was an unforeseen screw up, and i fixed it as soon as i could.

Onto the update, grim reading...
It seems as soon as i declared Bub my entry, the two rejects have finally woken up. Dammit :roll:.
But anyway - BUB...:oops: :dunce:
sorry for the poor quality pics...typical overcast day and inconsistent phone camera. The one with the flash is included just cos the shadow looks cool :mrgreen:
finalup1bub.jpg finalup1bub3.jpg finalup1bub4.jpg finalup1bub2.jpg

She's grown another 2 inches, and seems in reasonable health, but that's about it.
The Jacky Widow has grown over FOUR inches since last update :shock:
...and the ebony kush has caught up with Bub. Heartbreaking ain't it ;-) :P
finalup1the3.jpgfinalup1jacky.jpg finalup1kush.jpg
Even though i don't have a hope in hell of a prize (and might be DQ over the timer issues) i'm loving this competition :clap: great work everyone! Not up to date on reading so gonna have a good look at the last dozen pages and like/be envious of accordingly ;-) :peace:
Your good.....the broken timer wasn't your fault?;)Good luck with BUB!
Probably my fault as i can only afford low end goods, but still - unforeseen! :P If any sponsor wants to come forward and offer a timer for last place, i am THERE!! :mrgreen:

PS at this rate if i get a joint out of Bub i'll be delighted!
I don't post much, I try not to complain/bitch/speculate or harass when unwarranted, and occasionally come up with weird/outlandish ideas that ended up as deleted posts. But, I feel, with todays tech coupled with ease of use; sending out a periodic update should be relatively simple. During the past 3-4 weeks I have had to avoid detection, up-and-move entirely without notice, and avoid detection again coupled with a evacuation gas leak. I still update on time. Not to say my situation/environment is any better/worse than others, but because I setup one simple reminder, I was able to set aside 5 ample minutes to take a picture, and at some point during a 24 hour period, upload it.

I encourage those that like to set and forget (like me), to setup a reminder through Google Calendar. It's pretty simple to just setup a reoccurring appointment/meeting that alerts you via pop-up for those with gmail/android, and email for those that don't or just want extra warning/reminder. Especially if you're just that busy, but still carry your smartphone everywhere or sit at a desk in front of screens all day. That being said, I'm all for the 1 late pass for those, OH SHIT, moments, because shit happens.
I too would vote for a 1-time mulligan extension of 1 day or perhaps 2 tops, as shit does happen. However, that said, I schedule my updates in my phone, so I do not forget, and I have never had an issue being late. Even if I had to be away on my regularly scheduled update day, I still snapped an early picture, so I could post on time or early. Its really not too hard.

I believe after 1 mulligan, the contestant should be automatically DQ'd. A pattern of lateness is not accepted here...not fair to those of us that can follow a schedule.
Does anyone oppose the one time late pass if they are late only by 2 days (9 days from previous post)?

We obviously need to wait for an official ruling from FC but that may be a couple days so in the meantime if we can all agree on a solution it'll help him make an easier decision. If we can't all agree then that's what he's in charge for, to make a final decision.

As a result of all this we also need to decide what to do with anyone who happens to already have two late updates...
He said it was a group decision, so if we have a clear consensus I think we can proceed.

@bryleetch did you change something about how you uploaded the spreadsheets? Now I need office software, before it opened online. I believe if we proceed this direction there are 1 or 2 people with double fouls for late posts right?
He said it was a group decision, so if we have a clear consensus I think we can proceed.

@bryleetch did you change something about how you uploaded the spreadsheets? Now I need office software, before it opened online. I believe if we proceed this direction there are 1 or 2 people with double fouls for late posts right?
Try the link in my sig instead sorry bout that idk. There's really just one (xtranger)... 0vergrown is out since its been now 11 days since his last post

Edit: I see what you mean now, the online link only offers to download. I'll try to fix it

Edit: Made it a pdf instead, now its good
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