6isafraidof7 IS A PUSSY

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Well-Known Member
ok, here's the deal:

6isafraidof7, tsk, tsk. been getting a lot of complaints about you lately. it happens. i don't expect everyone to love everyone. but we're all here for each other. why come to a place like this and stir trouble? i'm not gonna ban or even give you an infraction because this thread is a personal attack towards you. by alls means i should delete it and give an infraction to the one who started it. but.....................he did call your bluff.

so.................either admit that you were full of shit and NO you will not meet him in a "safe/secure" location and apologize for threating him.

or......................set it up and film it. put it on you tube then post it here. nobodies a cop. nobodies getting hooked up by the dea. it's just a friendly sparring match at your local gym. you do it all the time don't you?

this is not my typical MOD behavior and i may be out of line but i am SOOOOOOOO tired of dealing with all this drama. i'm here to grow and this shit just never seems to end. every time something like this starts i'm stuck here all day dealing with it. i'm at the point of deleting threads and banning all you FUCKS. please give me a break.

must be the blue dream talking. i'm sorry and i love you all. :hug::weed:

ass clown.jpg


Well-Known Member
well i just wanna apologize....cause i know i wasn't acting any better then he was.......but the prick did deserve it...and I promise you will not see me get into it with any other person on this forum i'll look the other way......

I normally wouldn't even acknowledge that guy but i had some beers in me last night......ran my mouth back at him....agree'd to meet....so did he.........woke up today not proud of myself for it but i defiently was'nt gonna back down from that fool...specially when i get on and see he's at it again with another person on here........but whatever it's done......

thanks for bein fair to me FDD.......I did read your post......and like i said i'm never gonna even waste the energy again........
EDIT:didnt meen to use the word Fair....shoulda been thanks for givin a chance........
FDD....... Stern... ......Stern but Fair........


Well-Known Member
well i just wanna apologize....cause i know i wasn't acting any better then he was.......but the prick did deserve it...and I promise you will not see me get into it with any other person on this forum i'll look the other way......

I normally wouldn't even acknowledge that guy but i had some beers in me last night......ran my mouth back at him....agree'd to meet....so did he.........woke up today not proud of myself for it but i defiently was'nt gonna back down from that fool...specially when i get on and see he's at it again with another person on here........but whatever it's done......

thanks for bein fair to me FDD.......I did read your post......and like i said i'm never gonna even waste the energy again........

FDD....... Stern... ......Stern but Fair........
It's done, leave it. We still love ya, and no hard feelings. =) Most of us would rather not see a repeat- and I'm sure FDD would appreciate the break. :blsmoke:
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