65 watt (300 equiv) at lowes for 16.95


Active Member
not sure of the color scale though :/ they didnt bother to list it.. friggin huge spiral tube cfl. 65 actual fluro watts.. 3900 lumens. Holy crap. and it fits in a normal socket.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it fits in a normal socket? Most of these lamps are made for a mogul socket. It looks the same, it's just a little bit bigger.


Elite Rolling Society

Bright Effects
65-Watt Twist Compact Fluorescent

Item #: 46931 Model: 017801997118$16.98



Active Member
nope, it was a normal socket for sure. i know the difference. i still cant imagine wtf youd use it for...spot light maybe? but they have actual spot light cfls that look like real flood lights.. in any event....might try a few of those for the fruiting.


New Member
I installed one in my cab a week ago, wow what a difference it makes. I now have to use a pair of sunglasses when working in the cab:)
Major difference in growth. Before I used 2/42w and 5/26w and got about 1 3/4 oz off of some sick plants. This time Im shooting for 10g each plant.


Active Member
You're actually losing lumens/watt with the 65w bulbs (3900/65 = 60 lumens/watt) as compared to the 40w bulbs (2650/40 = 66.25 lumens/watt). Not a huge deal but something to consider given the extra cost per watt with the 65w bulb as well.


Active Member
well were splitting hairs at that point...its still a pretty good lumen per watt ratio... i got a 2 tube 4 foot t12 fixture yesterday...and am taking that crap back tomorrow lol. id rather have 2 cfls throwing out 4000 lumens per.... and not have all the wasted light from the long tubes. that are 6000 lumens for the two tubes.... yeah. eff that.

yes im using more than te 4 foot fixture...i was just trying it out added to what i have.. im not happy with the results at allllllllll. and the t-5 sunblaster tubes are like friggin 30 a piece for 2200 lumens :/


Well-Known Member
Wal mart dosnt carry anything over 40 watts in store or site. The lights at lowes are bad ass. I got 2 of them, 65 wat cfls. Yes they fit in a regular socket. And these lights are used for replacement for the out side gargae light, patio light ext. Think about it before you speek. If your using a 300 watt flood light, and replace it with 65 watt cfl, you waste less energy and bulb last longer than your hps,mh,merc vap. ext. and its just as bright

And if your smart you would cfls in your wholw house, think about it, In my room aand bathroom alone, i have a 60 watt ligh and ceiling fan, a lamp with 3 60 watt lights. in my bathroom i have a 6 light vanity with 100 watt lights and another 60 watter in the closet. thats 900 watts of lights right there. i swithched all my houshold lights to cfls and you dramatically use less watts.. went from 900 watts of regular bulbse to 290 watts of cfl And the little watts you save here and there, you can add to your grow room without suspision. The less you use your house hold units for power, the more you can run in your room.


Active Member
Anyone using these see any difference in temperatures? I've used the 40 watters which seem to give off zero heat but the specialty grow bulbs pushing 100+ tend to get pretty hot.


Well-Known Member
There is a 6500k cfl yard light with a ballast for 19.95. It is a complete fixture. walmart has them.
after weeks of asking on here an looking at local box stores and lite stores i found the big bulbs with self ballast.i bought 2 105 watt 6900 lums in 5000k spec. $29.95,not cheep but im not allowed to run any thing but cfl,part of grow bargain w/ the girl.go to (buy lighting.com)happy growing fellas,peace:weed: