600Watt LED hydro gro-op...5 strains CLICK FOR MORE


Well-Known Member
Depending on the cut you got of the MTF, they can get huge outdoors, my uncle used to run it a few years back and he had some of the biggest plants I had seen up until that point, I know he was easily pulling 3-5lbs per plant if not more, the bud always kinda had what thought was a soapy taste, I know that doesnt sound too good but it was an old school kinda soapy classic ganja...I havent tried any of the mainstream breeders matanuska gear but imagine its pretty damn good...I know those older cuts I saw years ago were monsters, I'll have to call my uncle here soon and see what he remebers about it, he's a darn good organic grower, I wouldnt doubt if his yields were more than I remember. The great thing about living here in N. California is our season and climate are condusive to growing some real trees...some these old timers have plants with 10+lbs,which is just a dream for me, if I hit the 4lb mark Im stoked...did anyone see that picture in a high times last year that had the biggest outdoor plant of the year, it said the height and sq. ft of the plant but I dont remember but I do remember said a yield of 17lbs, which if true is simply mind boggling and I would love to know the strain and method that was used...anyways sorry for the rambling, darn grape wreck gots me all wired up typing...great grow man, you gave the led's a good name and got me thinking about adding led's for side lighting along with my normal hid set-up...congrats, peace!


Active Member
Cool man, yeah the guy told me this can grow huge especially outdoors so i would bet it's the same cut. those yields are insane man, I would have to see a 17 pounder in real life to believe it...thats just too much:)


Active Member
even 10 pounds per plant is seemingly impossible...but I suppose if the plant is more of a tree it could be possible...still I'd have to see that shit to believe it


Well-Known Member
Yeah I didnt personally see the 17 pounder but Ive seen plenty of plants that were 10-12lbs so I dont doubt the story all that much, especially after seeing the picture, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Oh dude Ive seen 10 pounders in the flesh, thats no joke, most are vegged for a few months long before they ever get planted outside in april or may, so they're already pretty sizeable bushes when transplanted. Crazy I came and posted and you musting been typing same time as I was...lol


Well-Known Member
go to the toke n talk forum and search biggest marijuana plant, find that thread and on the 2nd page there is a huge plant that is similar in size to the one pic I saw that yielded 17lbs...I cant seem to find the picture, but when I do I wll post it so you know Im not BS'ing you


Active Member
Nice, yeah man thats huge! I guess it is possible - I've just not seen it done before. You're uncle must be a hella bomb grower if he can pull yields like that!


Active Member
Oh dude Ive seen 10 pounders in the flesh, thats no joke, most are vegged for a few months long before they ever get planted outside in april or may, so they're already pretty sizeable bushes when transplanted. Crazy I came and posted and you musting been typing same time as I was...lol
haha, yeah man i'm thinking I'll do that this next season, veg a couple real nice ones a few months before April, then plant it outdoors when the time is right...hells yeah!

Short Bus

Active Member
Yepper, I've seen a few 10 pound trees myself. Used to work trimming at harvest for a friend of mine up in NorCal. Him n his pops had some massive, MASSIVE outdoor trees. I think they started in a greenhouse and moved em out. Not as tall, but grown so they ended up as 6' snowglobes made of forearm sized cola nugs. I used to get up in the mornings there and just walk through rows of ridiculous plants while I had my coffee. Memories... :weed:


Well-Known Member
Even over 10lbs dry and ready to smoke, now Im not able to accomplish this but there are quite a few up here in N. California that are able, I can harvest way over 10lbs wet, just about every plant. Anyways Im done trying to convince people that given the right climate, like N. Cali or sub-tropical, plants can get bigger than you imagine, not to say its easy at all, Ive been growing outdoors for 6yrs and my biggest plants was just under 5lbs last year, but at the same time Ive seen plants over 10lbs and heard about others that are even bigger. Its funny that some people think that its impossible, only in your world, gotta love it here....peace!


Active Member
Update for today, I was hoping to pick the remaining girls today but the trichs aren't really at the stage I want them to be (there are a good amount STILL clear) and furthermore the Morning Dazes still smell nutey. Needless to say this is not what we want so I cut the PPM in half. During the vigorous growth we'd get the EC as high as 2.8, I've had it around 1.6/1.8 the past week, hoping that would make a difference, which it did, but not as much as I want, so I kicked it down to 0.8/0.9 to ensure that the buds are as nute-free as I can get them at this point...while still having something in there for the monster buds to eat.
pH's are at 5.8...
we're hoping to chop the MD's and Choco's this weekend now, but its all about the nutey smell.....
the vegging closet (the Matanuska Thunderfucks) got a bit hot and some of the girls are yellowing, I moved the LED up a good amount - it was far too close for the little ones - and put the plastic hut thing over them. They'll get their color and vigor back soon enough.
Cut a few branches of Chocolope - that shit is bomb, I'm gonna let the rest go a little longer, and I figure this extra flush can't hurt them.
Monster Bud plants are doing well under the HPS, I can't see any signs of flowering yet but the plants certainly look a lot healthier and are growing quite well.
alright then thats all I've got for that I think, on to the pics:

Monster Bud (left front and behind it) and Morning Daze to the right of it

Monster Bud

Morning Daze

Chocolope (left) Morning Daze (right)


Vegging Girls (Matanuska Thunderfuck on the left and Monster Bud cuttings in the cloner to the right)

Chocolope branch cut today - Fruity Chronic

:leaf: King


Well-Known Member
It all looks great but that chocolope sure does look like some fun...I remember seeing that it was supposed to be an above average yielder, was that the case at all? Regardless looks amazing, chocolope definetely on my hit list, peace man!


Active Member
Damn, that Chocolope is frosty as fuck! :weed:
Hell yeah it is, such a nice fruity chronic smell to it

How did you like the Sure-To-Grow cubes?
I'm diggin the STG lineup. As opposed to rockwool theres no pH imbalances, it certainly grows plants just as well as any other medium will and its a helluva lot cleaner and easier to deal with in my opinion.

nice grow. i used a led set up last season worked great.
Thanks man, yeah LEDs are pretty legit, and don't really add much to the bill


Active Member
Man, that MD looks delicious... really nice bud to leaf ratio, too. Must be a fun strain to grow.
Yeah the ratio calyx to leaf ratio is certainly a desirable trait about the MD. Though it's a long flowering time it definitely IS a fun one to grow since it KEEPS getting bigger - especially under that hps...but hell it did even under just the LEDs. The few branches I've harvested from it so far are pretty good - despite their nutey undertones - the high is pretty much what one would ask for from a plant named Morning Daze, dazie and morning-time-e.....just kidding...kinda...

It all looks great but that chocolope sure does look like some fun...I remember seeing that it was supposed to be an above average yielder, was that the case at all? Regardless looks amazing, chocolope definetely on my hit list, peace man!
It certainly could have been a better yielder had I had it under the HPS the entire time and if I'd done SCROG or something. It's branches are way flimsy and most are just hanging down looking bad on my plant. So I'm sure if I had another round of chocolopes I'd be able to pull off a better yield, but it would take a minute to find the BEST way to grow it...thats why I'm thinking scrog would be good...
bud yeah dude definitely should be on everyones hitlist. I'm all about it

Now you can have a bowl of Chocolope and a bowl of Count Chocula for breakfast. Nice.
hahahahah you know it pablo:)