600w or 1000w


Hi gardeners,I'm not a complete newb but I am when it comes to what I'm trying now. I've 8 lemon skunks in soil,in 18ltr pots. I'm vegging with a 600w dual spec in a 1.2sq tent. I want to know if it will be safe to hang another 400hps up when its time to flower? I have a 6inch extraction fan aswell. How do I post pics?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you need the extra 400 all it wil do is make it hot personally I don't think you need the 600 and could get away with a 400 easy... if it is 1mx1m I also would only grow 1 large plant in there....


Well-Known Member
more light the better as long as it don't get hot, 600 and a 400 your looking at some huge plants that kind of juice, I would pull min of 16 ounces off 1000 watts to 50 ! as long as you have the room. expect the plants to get huge the first 2 weeks of flower double or triple the size of your veg


Well-Known Member
How do I post pics?
I use photobucket.

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more light the better as long as it don't get hot, 600 and a 400 your looking at some huge plants that kind of juice, I would pull min of 16 ounces off 1000 watts to 50 ! as long as you have the room. expect the plants to get huge the first 2 weeks of flower double or triple the size of your veg
that's what I'm aiming for the 16 oz. So me and the Mrs don't have to pay a tenner for a g of fuck knows what lol


Well-Known Member
I don't think you will gain anything from cramming to much in that little space. just a waste of energy. in a tent especially 400 w has the spread to cover it and its not like you need the penetration when you take into account how small the plants have to be, - 1 ft fro the pots, - 1 foot for the fan and filter, -.5 for the hood, - 1 foot space away from light how tall is your tent??? that's 3.5 ft there leaves 4.5 ft if it is an 8 ft tall tent. think of how the plants grow this isn't it, overkill becomes wasteful pretty quick sorry metric system is wasted on me your right 4x4 600w wow.2 is a lot


Yeah they all female clones,I start training the plants in a few days. I've had space issues before. I'm gonna bend the plants over. I flower when plants 18inch. It leaves plenty of room. I learnt from my mistake before lol


Well-Known Member
You do not have room for 6 adult female plants in full flower, unless you start flowering them pretty early. Even 12/12 from seed is going to outgrow that area, especially if you start getting above 600 watts.


I've grown 9 plants in same area just with 600w and had no problems at all with my bending technique. I will keep an eye on it though


Well-Known Member
Just saying you can easily get the same yield from a pair, because the room itself is a limiting factor. 2 plants are just easier to deal with than 6.

Just curious why did you choose 6 instead of say, 3?


I started with 8 but decided that would be to much with these pots so I murdered 2. I've grown 2 or 3 plants before but I'm impatient so only like to veg for 3 weeks. That's why I do more rather than less


Well-Known Member
I started with 8 but decided that would be to much with these pots so I murdered 2. I've grown 2 or 3 plants before but I'm impatient so only like to veg for 3 weeks. That's why I do more rather than less
Why not just run 12/12 then?

if you do, you can double your harvest. Just leave the lights on 24/7, and run two shifts of plants. Set up a dark room with a small computer fan to exhaust, and every 12 hours, move the plants from the dark into the light, and vice versa. That's how I run my flowers.


I know its bad but I live in rented property and have to work around landlord. Can't do none stop grow. I've never done 12/12 from the start. Don't seem worth it,I'm aiming for 2 oz a plant but we will see. I've had oz and half per plant using just 600w in 10ltr. That's why I'm hoping to use 1000w but your slowly putting me off that lol