600w mh/hps closet grow 5yr old ak47 and Dr Gt's endless sky big laughing c99


Active Member
So I am starting a photo period grow to veg along side my autos (see sig thread for log and closet setup)

Soil grow. 6x3gal pots. On the first transpant I will use subcool's Super Soil for a substrate.

600W mh/hps lamp with 2x26w Reptiglo 10.0 cfls.

OF FF soil with 30% perlite & mycorrhizae.

Flora Nova nutes. (May not be needed with Super Soil )

AN Piranha & Voodoo juice. ( ok it's superstition )

I haven't grown for over 5yrs. Last time I grew I bought some good genetics but never got around to starting them. I hate to waste such fine genetics and I have a full pack of each so I figured it was worth a try. I should get something.

4 x ak47 csc (Capricorn Seed Co?)
3 x Big Laughing Dr Greenthumb
3 x Endless Sky Dr Greenthumb
2 x C99 fem Dr Greenthumb (on order)

Except for the C99 these are all old seeds. Old seeds can take a long time to germinate so I started them right away.

I scuffed the seeds in a pill bottle with sandpaper and soaked for 24 hours in distilled water, dash of detergent, pinch of AN Piranha (mycorrhizae) and one drop of veg nutes (as per Dr Gt's suggestion).

After 24 hours they were transferred to rockwool cubes. One ak47 was showing a taproot. Next day all but one had split and germed. The remaining one looks promising. Today three had surfaced showing cotyledons I put planted them in 3" pots with FF OF & perlite. This more success than I planned on and the C99 will be a week behind. Can't complain :)

I followed Dr GT's advice and planted them tap root end UP. As I understand it, the idea is that since the tap roots starts with an arc that wraps around the seed, it will go straight down past the seed. Two seeds didnt do this and grew a tap root almost 1/2" straight up into the air before curling down. I hate to mess with germinating seeds but I had to reposition those.

I am planning on 6-8 plants in 3L pots. If I get more fems than that I will plant two to a pot. Depending on how they veg before the autos finish, I might go for 5L pots.


Active Member
@roach. Thanks for that link. Funny to think that I might have a better plant because I procrastinated for 5 yrs :)


Active Member
I'll be following this as I am running almost the exact same setup in my closet. Can you give some insight on how your ventilation is?


Active Member
@paper: If you check my auto grow thread (my sig), you will find a fairly detailed description of my ventilation & cooling setup post #23 . If you have any more questions, I'll be happy to answer.

Mixed up 1.5 bags of subcool's SS today.

PS: Some updates on the grow description in the first post.