600W HPS Ventilation / Cooling Question


Active Member
I am running a 600w HPS in a cooltube in about 6 sq ft of closet and I was wondering, if I have it hooked up to a 550 CFM inline fan, will it stay cool enough without an AC unit? I have ac running in my house, keeping it about 78, and currently with the doors open the closet is running at 80-85 degrees, but closed, they rocket over 95. I am going to get the fan some time in the next couple days.

Trying to avoid AC in the flowering room because thats a lot more electricity.$$


ur going to have to bring some cold air into the room when the doors closed... even a passive intake from a cool area should be enough with that size fan


Active Member
I was planning on having a small axial (pc) fan near the bottom to pull in cool air (The room will sit at 75-78 degrees near the floor) when the closet isn't pumping out heat.


Well-Known Member
I've got the same problem. i have a cool cab in my garage and just bought a 600w set up and when i installed it the temps went up to 125f. i had LEDs and the temp stayed around 85, but everyone said that LEDs suck. i was thinking about putting a a/c in my garage and running duct work to my box but i still dont think it will bring it down enough. let me know what works out for you.


Active Member
Well garages are really hot places... and would be really expensive to exhaust/AC. My space is inside and I can control the temperature of the room the cab is located in.


Active Member
Having the same problem...running 3 fans in a 4'w x 2'd x 7'h tent with a 400w mh currently and I can't seem to keep my temps during the day below 95 and at night low 90's without keeping to door to my tent open and isn't really a possiblility. Day time temps range around mid-high 70's where I am in the mid 60's at night. Had a friend take a look at my set up and couldn't figure it out? Cooltube wasn't even hot...intake come straight from window and exhaust going up in to the ceiling with no scrubber attached??? fans were 4" 190 cfm in a 56cm tent go figure huh? If you have an solutions let me know


Active Member
I have a 600w HPS in a similar size tent. The reflective hood that came with the light was just a wing hood. I tested it out and temps rose to over 100F. I realized quickly that there was no way that I could grow underneath that light. After this "dry" run, I purchased a Euro Air Cooled Hood. It has openings on both sides to attach ducting. So you could effectively run air over the bulb and the enclosed hood would help to contain some of the heat. I installed a PC Muffin fan which is rated at 110CFM and a inline fan on the other side as a exhaust fan rated at 160cfm. This increase in air flow combined with the new enclosed reflector hood reduced the temps significantly an average of 15 degrees. I am now running at 82F - 85F with lights on. When lights are off the temps only get to about 78F.

Bringing in cold air might be your only coarse of action. One other thing you could do but it's a temporary solution at best is to get a large container with a lid or cap, freeze it and then let it melt in your grow room. put it in front of a fan for maximum cooling. This temporary solution has drawbacks too. One is that it will raise the humidity in your room. The other being that they only tend to last about 5 hours at most. Significantly less if you put it in front of a fan. I use ice bottles in my nutrient rez (DWC). If the water temps are too high above 75F then you got another set of problems. I hope this helped.

Peace and positive energy to you



Active Member
my god im having the same problem, got a veg and flower room down in my cellar and recently upgraded from a 400w to a 600w for flowering using the 400w for veg, A bogstandered reflector, temps went up to 40c, door open 35c then installed a couple of spare pc fans only dropped about 2 degrees, so bought an axial fan for extraction oppisite the light to draw the heat from the light ( ducting going from fan to bottom of light) and a fan placed on the other end of the lights so theres a flow of air under neath it, hopefully in the morning after dark period the temperatures will have lowered, good luck everyone will your cooling, my dad had an idea to place a heatsinc on the top of the reflector to help cool it any one think this would work?


Active Member
So I installed the fan, and temps seem to be holding around 82!!! I'm just hoping they don't start to rise on me...Do I want to be checking the temp at canopy level or below it shielded from the light?

Also before, I was only able to use my ballast on the 400w setting, but now with 600 staying cool, i might go to %110 600w if temps remain stable.