600w hps/mh digital oMGz0r!


Well-Known Member
this is the first negative rep ive seen of HTG.....as ive never ordered from HTG i suggest taking the advice of someone who has GL.

I ordered all my stuff from ebay and its been fine so just some perspective

PS im in the UK not America
Yup. Bulbs is the only negitive topic I've ever heard of them myself. But heard it quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
Conventional wisdom says halide for veg yes. I guess yes if you are blowing money on a dual ballast might as well use it but honestly I haven't seen any less growth using hps in veg but then again I just throw more light and don't give a rip about the power bill.

I'm the cheap kind of guy who would never buy a digital or dual purpose ballast to begin with. I would take that kind of cash and get a couple 600w mag ballast dedicated hps's ($120 or so ea) and DIY cooltube them and grow the fuck out of that scrog. Screw halide, if you throw 1200w of hps on that thing it's going to grow, like mad...

(of course you'll have more heat and power bill will be higher, but for the money and end result that would be my choice.)

But many people aren't DIY people and also if you have high energy costs...

Anyway my point is I always put the money into flower power (so to speak) Yes halide would be the most efficient for veg, if efficiency is more important that yield.

I should have explained that more, forgot to mention anything about getting more hps light.

Ye in fairness that makes sense since scrog has such a short veg period anyway right?

What i ment was if your gonna veg for 5-6 weeks or longer than a MH bulb might be worth it so you get more bang for your buck.

As a side note how do you DIY your cooltube. The only way ive seen is using those bake around things and they are impossible to get in the UK.