600w HPS in a 4x4 room, overkill?


Well-Known Member
It's no comparison.
An air cooled 1000w or an air cooled 600w and a bare 400w? Hmmm....I'd say that they are comparable. The only problem I have with that setup is that I'd rather run 2x600ws and air cool'em both.
Well you have me thinking I might be better off going with two 600's it does sound like an awesome amount of light and doesnt make my power bill look totally rediculous. btw I havent made any of the big purchases yet for my grow and this will be my first so im really just weighing all the pros and cons of different possible setups. I want to do my research before I invest in inferior gear. I was thinking the 400 MH would be good for vegging and then could double as extra light for flowering. If I go with two 600 HPS's than what am I going to veg with? I just recently read that HPS light though it is redder is still good for vegging? is that true? also reading you get alot more resin when you have sufficient blue spectrum light during flower. Perhaps the best would be to buy 2 600w HPS and a smaller 250w MH for vegging. I think I would be quite tempted to run all three at once which does bring me up to 1450 which is kinda scary, dont want the power company getting suspicious, will just have to turn off all my other lights in the house lol.

let me know what you think of that, to me it sounds like the ultamate setup for someone trying to stay below the 2kw mark


Well-Known Member
Haha, at 1450 watts you aren't going to get the power company suspicious. The power company doesn't give a rats ass, but 1450 watts is less than my space heater in the garage. 1450 watts is literally NOTHING as far as power consumption is concerned. If you ran 6000 watts, you MIGHT have an issue IF the police or other law enforcement initiated an investigation and requested your electrical records, but this won't be what sinks your grow. It's going to be telling people.

Even 2000 watts isn't much. Look around at some of your household items and look at how much they draw and think about the kinds of things people do with their homes BESIDES grow pot. I wonder how many watts a spa runs....hmmmm? What about a heated pool? What if you had a heated pool table in your garage? >2000 watts is literally not even a bump on your electric bills ass.


Well-Known Member
I run 2 600W hps in a 4x4 grow tent. I have 2 inline fans (total of 380 cfm ) that keep my grow room at about 78-80 deg f. I also have a fan in the upper corner and another oscillating fan to keep the air circulating. If my grow tent did not have vents I think the exhaust fans would create a vacuum.


Well-Known Member
Even 2000 watts isn't much.... I wonder how many watts a spa runs....hmmmm? What about a heated pool? What if you had a heated pool table in your garage? >2000 watts is literally not even a bump on your electric bills ass.
Your right its not alot alot of wattage and nothing to have me getting worried about, which is the idea. I have other reasons I want to go small, mainly I'm paranoid my landlord will be coming to the apartment to check on things. smell is another concern. Also I'd like to keep my number of plants below the 5 plant line because I have heard where I live if you have 6 or more plants it means you get an automatic jail term. not planning to get busted but I really dont want any jail time. :)

So Im just trying to keep it safe on all fronts


Active Member
im a newbie...im sorry for the dumb question...but whats the difference in "air cooled" "cooled hood" "cool tube" ? again sorry if its a dumb question. what do you guys recommend?