600w hps 400w mh

hi guys im gettin another light today a 400w mh i think. i already have a 600w hps what im wondering is should i run both of these or should i just run the mh as im only in 3 weeks of veg.


Active Member
run the mh for now... i wouldnt buy a MH, but thts just me. i use all fluro tubes for veg and it will keep mothers as well. personal preference i suppose. unless you have a need for a hps, id just get the MH
if your getting a 400, get a ceramic metal halide bulb, just know you run it on hps. Use the cmh for veg and then you can use the hps for flower, or if you want to go big, use both for flowering.


Active Member
if your getting a 400, get a ceramic metal halide bulb, just know you run it on hps. Use the cmh for veg and then you can use the hps for flower, or if you want to go big, use both for flowering.
What I like about the CMH conversion bulb is that it can be used all the way through, from vegetating to flowering.


Active Member
some people want 18' plants so they try to buy the sun for their closet. i try to grow as short of vegged plants as possible and then let them do their work in the flowering room. CFL is fairly cheap and easy on the light bill. i just buy the mogul sockets with a plug on it and hang the 250w cfl lights. if you have limited grow space, then get the CMH bulb. itll save you a lot of leg work. if not, make a veg and a flower room.. depends on the $$
what about a switchable ballast??
that's fine, but with a CMH, you would run it on hps, The temp around a 400 cmh is less then 100 degrees, so you can get it real close to the plant and the spectrum is one of the best available, I've noticed way more budsites since switching to this for veg.
ill see if they have the cmh. do i need to get a switchable ballast can i not just use one i get with it. my contactor can take another 600hps