600W Grow Tent, First grow :)


O HEY BUDDY THANXS FOR BUMPING MY THREAD WEEKS LATER. so grasscity turned out to be where the little kids are.no wonder they were so eager to respond. I guess i should learn to impress the cool kids eh?


Well-Known Member
There are tons of idiots on this site. Definitely enough to make you think everyone on this site is stupid. There are also a lot of cool and knowledgeable people too. My best advice is to read a lot of other peoples stuff, ask them questions, find grows and people you like/ get along with. Those people will lead you to more people and grows that are good. Before you know it you'll be surrounded by other growers who you like talking too.

Grow journals are hard to get attention too unless you are a real ring leader type personality. Just keep doing your thing and peeps will notice. THe best way to get traffic too your thread is to get on other peoples threads. And you should put a link to your journal in your signature so we can all find it really easy.

RIU can be the best place on the net... or the biggest waste of time you can find... or both lol. Good luck with the grow and the journal and making your way on RIU.