600W God Bud & Jack Herer grow(BCBD)


Active Member
Current grow is 2 God Bud and 1 Jack Herer, all from BC bud depot. The girls are at about week 4 of veg, and when you read that the God Bud is a slow vegger, they effin mean it! I have topped both God Bud girls and I have topped the Jack Herer a few times, she is a super stretchy sativa and I wasnt expecting it too be this bad!
The tent is 4'L x 2'W x 4'H, 600W MH for veg, HPS for flower. 200cfm fan filter combo and 8" fan blowing over the canopy. Humidity is around 40% and temps are steady around 80-82 with lights on. They are on 24/0 light cycle and getting Floratonic Grow, Micro, Bloom and Weight Bud(starting week 4 of flower).

Each time I topped the Jack Herer I kept a few of the cuttings and put them into water. Been a few days now so I should know in another week tops if they root. I will toss them right into small buckets and flower them with the rest of the girls. I have also done some LST on them, just not much on the Jack Herer yet because I dont know how much more I will need to cut her back. I was thinking of putting them into 5gal potters but I might leave the JH in the 2gal so she doesnt get so damn tall :p

I will be posting pics and keeping this update often; havent found much info on these strains in this forum so for anyone who was hesitant before, maybe this will help make your decision.

I should also tell you that the two God Bud plants(on the right) are on a box to get them closer to the light, the Jack Herer(on the left) is on the ground and still much taller :(
I will have to get some canopy shots up later, one of the God Bud girls has well over 10 tops, 17 if I am not mistaken but very well could be wrong.


Active Member
Before I forget to say this somewhere, the JH is very picky. Clawed up on me early and needed to be flushed.. before I even added nutes lol. Good flush and a small feed and she seems to be picking up again. Very sativa like leaves. She isnt the nicest looking plant in veg, especially with the claw lol.
I hear you on the gb. Germinated 18 days ago and definitely a slow starter thus far. Have mine under a 400 watt mh feeding sensi grow a and b at half strength at this point.....


Active Member
nvm lol
Anyways, you can see how stretchy the Jack Herer is on the left side of both pictures. The two God Bud on the right are much shorter but much bushier. Things are starting to get back on track but so far theres been more issues then I am used to :s.
I will likely have to top the Jack Herer at least once more before flower because I know shes going to stretch a hell of a lot


Well-Known Member
ns grow,,,I done bcseedkings godbud twice and was like yours shorter bushier,leans more indica afhani type growth,purple,gold hues when finished,had good yields.def knockout weed or couchlock.


Active Member
Thank you :)
Im thinking with such dense growth so far, they will produce some fat, dense buds. I was told to keep an eye out for the pheno with pink hairs so thats what im really hoping for. Temps will be dropped down cold enough with lights out that they should change colours if its in them to do so. I was really hoping to have these in 12/12 by now but they definitely need more time.


Active Member

Gone flip the girls to flower soon but i will leave the MH on for the first week to see if actually helps with reducing stretch. Ive got them in 2g pots still.. thinking ill need to put them into 5g before they go to flower though. I dont want to re pot the Jack Herer though because i dont want her to have more room to stretch anymore.
Cut a clone off one of the God Bud girls but the clones from the JH didnt root


Active Member
I GOT THE PINK PISTIL PHENO!! I will post pics up later, im very excited now lol. Already cut a clone a few days ago so I will make that into a mother for my next grow then :).


Active Member
Theres a shot of the pistils. Dont know why it doesnt look as pink on the comp, but looking at them they are much more vibrant pink then this shows :s.
Also, this is a few days old now and a lot more of the pistils have started going pink as well.
From what I was told by BCBD, this pheno has a lot more of the purple skunk genetics to it so that should be fun :).
Veg is slow with her at first but starts to pick up. Does very well with being topped and lst but apparently slow clone root times. Ive had mine for 5 days now i believe, still is in great shape but no roots obviously.. will have to wait and see in a week, then ill cut another 2 clones and start getting some work in with one ;).
Will be switching the girls to 12/12 very soon, maybe another day or two but i want to give a late addition(indica White widow female x Berry Bomb male) to the garden some time to do at least two sets of leaves before she gets put into 12/12.


Awesome grow so far, can't wait for more pics. Have you grown God Bud before? The pink pistils look unreal dude!!


Active Member
Thank you very much Johne94! Will be adding pics very often in flower which ill be flipping them VERY soon. Little upset ive left them in 2g pots but i dont think it will stunt my bud production as they arent THAT big and they just started putting on good growth not long ago.
Ive never grown the god bud before but i have wanted to for years so im extremely happy things are going as well as they are! The pink pheno god bud clone is starting to sprout a root though and so im very happy about that.
They are all starting to take some pretty heavy nutes as i was told they would. Pretty impressive actually. The first two feedings they reacted to the nutes, but after that they just kept asking for more. Cant wait to see what these girls do in flower!


Active Member
Alright, been a while since i updated on these beautiful ladies.
I recently cut the Jack Herer out; she just wasnted suited for this garden and no matter what she just stretched to no end + looked to be a bit of a freak as she only had leaves on one side of the nodes so meh.. will have to try out jack herer again in the future.
I put my two God Bud girls into bigger pots, bout 5gal now so they have extra room to stretch their legs and some fresh food for flower :)

I just kicked them into 12/12 the other day and have touched up on their lst to even things out a bit more.
They were both showing signs of needing some sulfur bad so i gave them some with their last watering.. seems as though they already look better!



Active Member
Today is 16 days into flowering and they are looking absolutely amazing! They have been taking in a LOT of food and not having any issues at all.
Already they have put on some decent size buds for so early into flowering, not to mention they have started to put on some frost already. These girls are absolutely great to work with, but they will definitely ask for some epsom salts just after you flip.



Well-Known Member
Hey buster, I'm on day 3 of my god bud ladies ( Flower).... I will show you some pics here when i can :)


Active Member
Looking forward to it Ch33b!
My girls started week 3 on tuesday and they are looking really good so far. I let two branches grow a bit to tall before i LST them and they got close to the light, they didnt burn or anything but appears to be light bleach.. guess it would happen getting that close to a 600w hps :P
I have these girls maxed out on nutes according to what the schedule is for my nutes but they dont have any problems at all.

Of the two phenos i have, the pink pistil looks to be a lower producer but she appears to have more sativa in her then the other pheno so maybe thats why as i have heard these really pack on weight in the final stages of flower. The other pheno is putting out some fat buds already, lots of frost this early and both smell incredible.

The first pic is part of one of my girls, this is not the pink pheno but she seems to be doing well, could not get a pic of the full plant but i will try again another time. The second pic is of the pink pheno, not a good pic at all but again, lots of pics to come as things get more interesting :)
