Thanks bro I will do that.stop by im gettin up some new pics in five mins
yeah I actually went to bed early lastnight not feeling well today this sucks.hahha that was lastnight, i was soooo tired, i had my coffe thismorning so im rearin to gooo
Thanks bro yeah this shit bites not sure whats wrong my stomach feels rock hard and hurts on my heart side. Bout passed out in the bathroom trying to make myself get sick. Got hella dissy sweating and shortness of breath, been awhile but this isn't the 1st time a few years ago I drove myself to a emergency room and passed out in the waiting room actually feel they rushed me back and put me on oxygen. Never founf out what caused it other then they said probably some kind of bug. Woke up on the floor before I took myself in.Sorry to hear that J!Hope you feel better man. Burning when sick is shitty. You can't taste/feel anything!
Shit I wish I knew headache from hell and feels like someone kicked me in the balls.damn fool whats up!?!?!?!
you been eating?
THanks broDamn, that sucks man. Rest up and get better, will def burn one for your health!
Yeah I've been resting thanks bro this shit suckswater
Vitamin C
salad or cold cut samich.
idk bout that balls issue you got goin on, but a good release wont hurt hahaha
get well soon buddy
No problem bro anytime.Thanks for the rep j!!! ! Good shit
Yeah feeling alittle better sure hop it's not a kidney stone I got hope was just a bug not 100% but much better then yesterday. Thanks bro for checking on me much respect.hey bro glad ur up an runnin still. feelin any beter?
Yeah my headaches gone try to post some new pics tonight since I was sick my cuts freaken got alittle warm pissed so might need to do some more so I can change to 12/12.fasho buddy!!!! ya maybe just a mean bug, least it looks like your over the worst of it..
No I should be ok on most of them. But tonight I might go ahead and take some for the pics but lame bout the clones, was it bad enough you need to trash em all?