600 watt in a 3x3x7 Tent, 110 Degrees F, Duct, and Heat Issues. Help Please!


Hey guys this is my setup a 3x3x7 tent with a 600 watt cooltube/reflector, i have one 400 cfm exausht, only hooked up to the tents ceiling port. I know now i should connect the one end of it to my cooltube, but i also am getting a second fan 200cfm for an intake next to the other fan. heres a picture of my exausht. I am getting tempatures of 110 in the tent with the cooltube on 600 watt setting, with 300 im at 78-82 with the exausht on about medium (400 cfm) thats not even with the exausht ducting hooked up to the light.

im gonna mount this 200 cfm inline to the plyboard, should i attach it to my passive 6" fresh air intake? or should i just attach it to the plyboard and take the air from the 4x4x8 closet? Will I be able to duct a T from my fan to my cooltube and the bottom of my tent, for my babbies,:) as well as a T from bottom of tent and cooltube into exausht?

123'.jpg Advice is greatly appriciated :) My (1st1)


Active Member
connect one end of the cool tube via ducting to one tent vent for intake and the other hook to the 400cfm fan for exhaust. do not add t's or any fancy shit. use the 200 cfm for intake into the tent.


so you are saying that the 400 cfm attached to the end will cool that 600 watt in that sized space? with no intake ducking attached to the other end of the light?
the intake should not be going to the light, the fresh air intake should be at the bottom of the tent, suplying fresh cool air for your plants. as the air heats up, it rises to the top of the tent have your exhaust pulling through your cool tube. add a corbon filter to the cooltube if you have smelly exhaust issues


the intake should not be going to the light, the fresh air intake should be at the bottom of the tent, suplying fresh cool air for your plants. as the air heats up, it rises to the top of the tent have your exhaust pulling through your cool tube. add a corbon filter to the cooltube if you have smelly exhaust issues

Okay but can I use my 200cfm intake to cool my light and my tent? As in run a T vent from my fan to my cooltube and the bottom of my tent? Ty:)


Well-Known Member
were are exhausting the hot air too? if you not sending it out and away from the room that the tent is in thats the prob. with the 400cfm fan and the 600watt you should have no heat issues.


i am exaushting it out of the tent> out of the 4x4 closet and into the room with AC, is it maybe because i only have the ducting attached to the tent? in the pic above some of the tent is even going into the fan somewhat, so really the only purpose this new 200 cfm will serve me is to cool down the tent? is that Overkill or should i just get an oscilating fan for inside?


were are exhausting the hot air too? if you not sending it out and away from the room that the tent is in thats the prob. with the 400cfm fan and the 600watt you should have no heat issues.
i am exaushting it out of the tent> out of the 4x4 closet and into the room with AC, is it maybe because i only have the ducting attached to the tent? in the pic above some of the tent is even going into the fan somewhat, so really the only purpose this new 200 cfm will serve me is to cool down the tent? is that Overkill or should i just get an oscilating fan for inside?​


Well-Known Member
i did something like this before. dont send the hot air into the same room the tent is in cause it will just get hotter and hotter. use long ass ducting if you have to, just get that hot air out and away from the room the tent is in. you need to have negative presser in that room.. set the AC in front of the 4x4 closet doorway so the tent is sucking in cool air from a open vent on the bottom of the tent. another 200cfms may be overkill. whats the size of the room? what kind of AC unit is it? window unit? the temp in the tent will only be as cool as the room its in. so if your blowing your hott air in there its just going to keep riseing the the temp over time.


i did something like this before. dont send the hot air into the same room the tent is in cause it will just get hotter and hotter. use long ass ducting if you have to, just get that hot air out and away from the room the tent is in. you need to have negative presser in that room.. set the AC in front of the 4x4 closet doorway so the tent is sucking in cool air from a open vent on the bottom of the tent. another 200cfms may be overkill. whats the size of the room? what kind of AC unit is it? window unit? the temp in the tent will only be as cool as the room its in. so if your blowing your hott air in there its just going to keep riseing the the temp over time.
Im in the basement which stays very cool, 3 acs all in the house on every floor but mine, and i have passive outside fresh air coming into the 4x4 closet, which from there unconnected ducting makeing yet again another passive intake from the air in the closet. The 600 wont really heat up the room outside my closet that much? will it? the exausht is currently hooked up to the tent> out a small 6"duct hole in the 4x4 closet and into the room beside that one (basement) is this okay will the basement remain cool? or is it better to take the extra step, and duct 10' into the garage?
Oh and apparently its a 400 now, so its a 400 intake and 400 exausht Speed controlled.
Is it okay if i run 2 T vents on the sides of my tent?

Basement is 40x30
3 Cheap Ac window units

TY MG69:)


Well-Known Member
you should set your cool tube up with a fan so the air flows like so:

cool air from outside of tent -> ducting to inside tent -> cooltube w/ light bulb -> ducting to fan -> fan blowing heated air out of tent -> ducting leading out of room.

then get another fan with a carbon filter(if smell is an issue) and have it exhausting the air in the tent to keep it fresh with CO2 like so

carbon filter pulling hot from on top plants -> ducting to 2nd fan -> fan blowing hot filtered air out of tent -> ducting leading out of the room.

then you can have several passive intakes around the bottom of your tent to bring air in (no fans on them) this keeps the air pressure negative so no smell escapes the tent

i also have a 600w cooltube in the same sized tent, this is how i set mine up. i have a 4" 170cfm running at 50% power on my cooltube and a seperate 6" 470cfm fan running at 50% for the tent exhaust. my temps are chillin in the high 70s and max out aroud 84 when its 96f and humid in the summer


Well-Known Member
im haveing a hard time understanding your set up..but yeah the 600watt will just keep heating up over time (12 hours). look do it like this: scruber > cooltube > inline fan > ducting > out of the basement. fans push air better then pulling air. the passive intake from outside should be fine as long as you dont have hot summers..but i whould just let the 4x4 room pull air from the basement with the negtive pressure from the fan its probly cooler..the key is to get the hott air as far away as you can.. whats the dimensions of the basement?