600 watt hps air cooling

Can somebody help me on some advice..I need to know how to keep a 600 watt light cool..or warm enough so I won't leave a heat signature..do I just add a can fan and carbon filter? Or do they sell things to make the air cold??


Active Member
Depending on what climate you live in it can be as easy as bringing in fresh outside air through the reflector and vent it out a spare window. If you live in a hot climate like me it gets exspensive trying to run one light because you endup buying all the cooling equipment that you would need in a bigger room with more lights anyways. Also I have cooled my light down with keeping my house temp down with the ac and just vent the ac air from my bedroom through the grow room and out a spare window also keep you light venting seperate from your room venting, I have seen people vent air through there room then through there light and outside but its not as efficient. Also make sure wherever your vent is that it would make sence for hot air to be escaping like through your attic or out of a spare fireplace this is very important if you set your timers to come on at night to take advantage of cooler temps.