You'd be better off with smart pots for simple air pruning. These plastic dimple pots are for structuring a root ball on a tree or some plant you want to plant out in the soil later.
This is a veg prototype 5 gallon.. ill see if i like it. I figured id like the rigidity after watching the gymnastics of the cloth sluffing durring planting; however, im sure there must be a measurable advantage to the smart pots.
Any lesson we learn usually can be felt by either time or quality. Rescued this girl from lockout. She took a split 3 weeks to come back into health. Figured fuck it put her into the airport and overnight she told me her love for her new home. Retrofitted net pot to airport and we're off. Give her another week of rehab then off to the beauty room.
Painted pollen on BR.
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Couldn't sleep thought I'd measure the ec of my new bag of bcuzz that proudly advertises .3 ec out of the bag which I would find acceptable after the sales pitch I got from the hydro dude. Like all of us I googled this stuff and the only negative thing I found was from 2013 stating the ec came out at 2.0 ec. So here we are 5 years later ☠ boom my bag just registered at 2.0... Always learning...
Airpots for the tree enthusiasts lol..View attachment 4070046

Spent my professional career as a golf superintendent both construction/growing and maintenance. In my 40 plus years I purchased many a tree wrapped in heavy burlap, 500 gallon, also bought one time only a boxed 1000 gallon tree, was the centerpiece of a greens complex, just beautiful. Took two very large craines to get it in place and an excavator to dig the hole.

That was over 25 yrs ago, and I was at the course a few years ago for a 30 yr anniversary and the tree is absolutely beautiful. Made me one proud ol' dude.
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Have to report first design flaw. 27 Gallons might be to big. One coaster centered wasn't the ticket. Solution warned to one side and tilted plant into bulb.. ouch.... need two coasters or smaller tub. To rectify I just took the 250 lbs and slid it to the floor, bummer now my drain valve is worthless.. shop vac o
To the rescue and another roller and gonna test a smaller tote. One thing I've Learned is freshness of solution plays a bigger part with these ces nutes...

Nice ... I got hillbillies out here too .

Here Is mine ....

I modded a bpa free container with O Ring seal and did the water float from fish bobbers.
Waiting for an early vegged Peyote Cookies to get some root growth in before I am transplanting in this OCTOPOT CLONE.
Net is an irrigation screen ... Which fitted easily into ridged bottom of pot.
3 gallon size - 8 liter Rez.

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