60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
your just paranoid...nothing to worry about..
im not worried! you guys are just bugging me out! im gona take some pics once i get some extra money to buy a digi camera. i figure if i go to jail for growing a couple plants, for medicinal purposes, the the gov will have to spend money on me in jail and i wont be able to pay taxes without my 9-5 job. then i might go on welfare when i get out of jail because no one likes to hire ex cons. so they lose and so would i! lmao im so blazed. later fellas:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The worst thing anybody handeling MJ could do, aside from dealing with undercover, is to show a law enforcement agencey where a good portion of their next fiscal budget for over time is comming from.

Ever see a fat girl at a doughnut shop ,with her mouth watering with anticipation of the juicy cream puff she's about to devour ? thats the way flashy guy's look to cops.


Well-Known Member
I drive a mistubishi galant...I could be in anything I want, but I like it better when I dont stand out.....my buddy makes less then me and he drives a $70,000 truck...he gets stopped at least once a week...now he's affraid to drive it anywhere because he doesn't want to get stopped...so whats the point in having an expensive toy if your scared to use it?? :peace:
Did you say Galant? and you aren't afraid about getting pulled over????
P.I.M.P :)

I dont' think we need to worry about what we drive, it should be more about what do we have in the car when we are driving whatever we drive, or what kind of giant weed operation do we have going on at the house......wait the galant is good :)

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
no worry about what you drive.. Big flashy cars you get pulled over more.. normal stock cars without rims and tint etc... you get pulled over less... It's always better to draw the least amount of attention espeically if your moving any product...

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
very true by all means, I've made my cars/trucks less flashy as I've gotten olden and learned "play the game" it keeps me from getting pulled over by not giving them reasons to pull me over..I've gone from getting pulled over say once a month when I was younger to maybe once a yr or two=)If they pull me over and smell weed then Im obviously getting my vehicle searched...Fuck that=)I have a MJ card and all but some cops are fucking assholes..

I love the name btw..from half baked? Half Baked rocks=)..


Well-Known Member
OK The VIper ia a 1994 But Only has 17,000 ORIGINAL MIles. It is Immaculate. It was only $25,000 and I pulled a loan on it. I still hold a CA Auto Dealers License so I have plenty of varifiable income. You guys are way to paranoid. I guess I could of got a new truck or car for that price but where the hell is the fun in that. Summer is about here. FDD, your still my friend.... :mrgreen:

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
My truck cost more than that now Im jealous=)..You bastard=).17k is nothing also that sweet!!you going to mod it up.. Im stoked for you but seriously just becareful.. Its the dickhead neighbors you gotta watch for=)...wondering why a young kid renting a house is driving a viper=)... so far mine are all cool, we'll see after I ride some wheelies around the complex on my dirtbike..J/K..


Well-Known Member
OK The VIper ia a 1994 But Only has 17,000 ORIGINAL MIles. It is Immaculate. It was only $25,000 and I pulled a loan on it. I still hold a CA Auto Dealers License so I have plenty of varifiable income. You guys are way to paranoid. I guess I could of got a new truck or car for that price but where the hell is the fun in that. Summer is about here. FDD, your still my friend.... :mrgreen:

i'm your friend. give me your trim.

your young eager attitude scares this old man. it's all good i used to be the same way. knowing your style, i heard viper and saw.......


Well-Known Member
it's still a FEDERAL crime. it's the "flash" that catches the attention of the feds. they look at it as "thumbing your nose". i drive a beat up pick-up truck and live in a dump. :blsmoke:

Whats wrong.....are you scared?
Whats with all this FED talk? Are you the FEDS?
GEEZ Drop it! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
please explain. i said i was mistaken. i thought he bought a bling bling car. i drive a beat up pick up. i stand corrected. how am i a hypocrite? :confused:

why you so pissy?
It doesn't apply to the car... It applies to recent posts you've made in the past month and what you are saying now. Most...if not all that reply to this will of course be on your side. But, there are many out here that won't speak up that agree with me. I'll just leave it at that and drop it.
Good Luck :peace: