60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
Hey caligrown. Have you ever heard of a Pyrethrum bomb. Should I get it and use it to help kill the aphids???


Well-Known Member
bombs wont stop them, soaking them in the tub will only help further the lockup thats coming, the afids affect the plants water and food uptake.

You cant go into flower infested, the problems get worse from here. this is a large grow with a large problems. Seriously what is 5 bombs going to do. there are thousands of those in the roots. there are new life cycles every week.

From here the nitrogen uptake will start to lockout, first at the lower portion, then a even yellowing over the plant. further treatments usually only serve to hinder this population. however the damage is done, in this period of flower nitrogen level are low making it hard for the plant to repair the root system.

As a result your plant production color and vigor turn off.
the plants yellow and become more weak, mites and other pests come in.
Afids are one of the most distructive pests for the indoor gardner.

if he doesnt kill the bugs in the dirt, and get the dead tissue out or nitrozyme or like product into the root mass there will be no repair.

If the plants get weak it will be a very sad ending to a high profile grow.

6 pounds from sick plants will be a tough mark.

its a hard battle,

Now with root problems, fungus, high humidity, its becoming a recipe for disaster.


Well-Known Member
it's called leaching...and it does wonders.....I leach every 10 days or so ritually..it is not going to promote lockout..if anything it will help it by getting rid of all the salt build up in the soil...remember he didn't transplant those clones...they went straight into big pots...so the soil needs to be leached.....but I know 7000 people will tell me im wrong..I know it works..


Well-Known Member
I have leeched half of the plants so far and know I havnt bombed the plants today. Many of the bigger leaves, especially on the bottom seem to have dried out and gotten burnt crispy at the tips. What does this mean? Could this be from the sufur burner?.. Foliar spraying with the organicide? Or damage caused by the aphids??? I am puttting endless hours into this operation and not seeing much improvement.


Well-Known Member
i would assume its from the bugs.....although i have no bugs and sometimes when I have larger -plants the lower leaves fall off or get yellow and crispy..that why I trim them. my leaves have never been damaged from the organocide...I have seen some discoloring of leaves from the burner but never really bad...so imo it's the bugs....


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't recommend using it during flower on the foliage....but as an additive to your water or nutes you can use it up until you start flushing....ive never been able to taste it in the bud but I do flush for 2 weeks straight water....


Well-Known Member
if you have just started flowering and there isn't bud growth yet...or the bud growth is sparse...it would be ok to spray directly on the foliage...but I dont recommend spraying anything on your buds once they are starting to develop..thats asking for trouble..


Well-Known Member
Hey Cali, Can organocide be used in Hydro applications? I did not see it specified on the description that they give you on retail web sites...


Well-Known Member
As you all know with the 2 50 pint dehumidifiers in the room my temp is easilly controlled in the high 30s (perfect right). I woke up and went out to my garage this morning to empty the trays in the dehumidifiers beause once the trays are full they automatically turn off and noticed that the garage isnt super pitch black because off all the little LEDS on the equipment. The room temp gause has red led blinking lights. The radiator heaters have red LED lights. Both dehumidifiers have many green lights displaying power speed and temp. I covered the display lights on the dehumidifiers with rags and the garage is super dark again. Do you think this was a problem at all?


Well-Known Member
I don't know but this is the same thing that happened to me. Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I had two fans with push buttons with three bright ass blue leds. I go in one light to look and the whole area has a blue ora.
