60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
wow.....well if thats the case.....i wish i would of seen the stuff close up....let me see if he knows anything about that shit....


Well-Known Member
ok he was kind of speaking jiberish to me...but when he was done with his rant..turns out this stuff I have right here is pretty effective for that if you use it before it buds...its called organocide...and you will probably need about 5 or six bottles to do all the plants...I got mine on ebay, but im sure you can find it there...here it is..



Well-Known Member
It says its way more commom tham powdery mildew and alot of people mistake it for that. Read the paragraph. It says to use a fungicide to kill it and lower the humidity to prevent it. I think a sulfur burner should work though. I wonder if I can get an organic fungicide. I will look into it now.,


Well-Known Member
it looked like what we always call powdery mildew. we may be wrong. never really looked that deep into it. i may learn something here. :)


Well-Known Member
Trenton, can you take some pics of the mildew. If we can diagnose this it will be a lot easier. I live in Cali also, probably 2 hours away from you and i have dealt with powdery mildew a lot. What i have read in the past told me that powdery mildew is actually very common around here. There are some great Organic sprays that do not harm the buds that you can use all the way through flower. Its a product called Bio Soy (make sure to get the one designed for powdery mildew if thats what we diagnose it as). I know you said you have a crappy camera, but with all the money you have invested here, it may be worth grabbing a $200-300 dollar camera that you can take some nice close-ups with so people can help you that much more. Get some pics of your mold up. (if you have already and i just cant find em, i apologize)


Well-Known Member
Your right I will try to get some pics. It could be powderdy mildew. To prevent this I should always try to keep my humidity in the 40s and not let it get into the 50s at all correct... I will still run the sulfur burner tomorrow for 4 hours and see where it takes us. I will probably buy some organicide like caligrown mentioned as well. We have to get this under control. Remember today was the first day of the the sulfur burner and it will run for longer tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
hope you sort all your probs, it would be a shame if the plants died.
this thread needs to run, never seen one as long.
good luck.
did you sort your temp probs?.


New Member
It most likely is powdery mildew.

botrytis will rot your plants.

The best way to deal with this, imo, is have a fan giving good circulation at stem level.

Or in your case... 4 fans.


Well-Known Member
Your right I will try to get some pics. It could be powderdy mildew. To prevent this I should always try to keep my humidity in the 40s and not let it get into the 50s at all correct... I will still run the sulfur burner tomorrow for 4 hours and see where it takes us. I will probably buy some organicide like caligrown mentioned as well. We have to get this under control. Remember today was the first day of the the sulfur burner and it will run for longer tomorrow.
i would probably give it a couple days....give it a chance to do its thing...but the organocide is freakin awsome.....i used it during veg last harvest and had perfect results..no bugs, mold, or mildew...it was 13.95 a bottle..but worth it...it does smell like fish though...be prepared...but the smell goes away in a couple hours..


Well-Known Member
If I think it is powdery mildew after the sulfur treatment I may want to try a spray combined with 1 part skim milk 9 parts distelled water. I have heard this works good. Someone mentioned to spray the plants down 1 hour before the lights go on but once they do go on if the leaves are still saturated wont this cause them to burn...??


New Member
This is why you do it an hour before. Do you leave the fans on 24/0? If not then you should. The fans will help dry the leaves before lights on. If you're not comfortable with an hour then do it 2 hours before.

Willy Nilly

Active Member
I'd like to say...

Thanks to:

Edit: dff
and many others along the way... especially those who put up links ( I also read those today).
I've learned more reading your thead (all 114 pgs. today) than I have combined in the last 2 weeks.

I'm also in my first grow. Started 12/31/07
3 hours before new year. (what better way to bring in the new year?)

I also started with 60 plants. 40/20
40 Purple Kush clones
20 Purple clones from another source for 60 total.
I jumped in with both feet like Trenton (thats the way i do everything).
I'll be posting a new thread soon, and would appreciate it if the lot of you dropped by to comment on pics/questions.
I'll be going to pick up my meters tomorrow (TDS, PPM) as I have found a few problems with my plants (one of them being pH) from reading the threads and links.
Thanks again and keep it going.
Another Cali resident... But in the TRUE Nor-Cal (Humboldt-Trinity-Mendocino). :peace:


Well-Known Member
I'd like to say...

Thanks to:

and many others along the way... especially those who put up links ( I also read those today).
I've learned more reading your thead (all 114 pgs. today) than I have combined in the last 2 weeks.

I'm also in my first grow. Started 12/31/07
3 hours before new year. (what better way to bring in the new year?)

I also started with 60 plants. 40/20
40 Purple Kush clones
20 Purple clones from another source for 60 total.
I jumped in with both feet like Trenton (thats the way i do everything).
I'll be posting a new thread soon, and would appreciate it if the lot of you dropped by to comment on pics/questions.
I'll be going to pick up my meters tomorrow (TDS, PPM) as I have found a few problems with my plants (one of them being pH) from reading the threads and links.
Thanks again and keep it going.
Another Cali resident... But in the TRUE Nor-Cal (Humboldt-Trinity-Mendocino). :peace:
well first off thank you...second its fdd not ddf..lol...and third ill check out your journal for sure...let me know when it's up...
and forth...welcome fellow nor-cal grower..:peace::peace:

Willy Nilly

Active Member
I know that you are pH'ing your water... but do you ever pH it after it comes out the bottom?
And how are you adjusting the pH of your water before it goes in?
Are you testing water that has been sitting a day or longer as the water you'll be using?
I'm using power flower as my soil... and have already decided that I won't be using an enriched soil (nutrient rich soil) the next time around. I've found that too much stuff is outta my hands, and outta my hands for too long. I'd rather be giving nutes my self.


Well-Known Member
Caligrown. I dont think I got an answer yet. I hate to tutn off the intake, exhaust, and oscalating fans as I am using a sulfer burner for like 4 straight hours. Does your friend turn all the stuff off as well. How about at least leaveing the oscallating fans on. Wont it help circulate the sulfer to the leaves. With exhaust off it really cant go anywhere but within the room.