60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
in nature....that would've been ONE HELLUVA storm they just went through....I would be inclined to continue along....and be very observant to what the plants might be showing or saying? as always...Walk On!


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone. electricity just came back on. i was on my 14th day of veg with the lights on 24/7 then the electricity went off for 30 straight hours. The temp dropped to high 50s and the humidity shoot up to 90%. There was no fan circulation or anything in the room. Electricity is back on now and im about to go out genertor shopping in case this happens again. The temp is back to 74F and the humidity is at 47%. All fans are on including the intake and exhaust. The plants look ok. Please help me. Am i able to finish out my 24/7 veg for another 2 weeks. or am I fucked what do I do.


Well-Known Member
18/6. they really do need a little night time. they get it in their natural environment i think they need it inside. i go 24/0 with my seedlings then switch to 18/6 when they get there second set of leaves. they still grow with the lights out. they need to rest though.


Well-Known Member
FDD2BLK. If I go 18/6 r they gonna be Ok. Please give me some reasurrance. Is this 30 hours straight of light being off gonne fuck them up when it comes to 12/12 in less than 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
FDD2BLK. If I go 18/6 r they gonna be Ok. Please give me some reasurrance. Is this 30 hours straight of light being off gonne fuck them up when it comes to 12/12 in less than 2 weeks.
have you seen his backyard and inside his house,,if fdd says it's ok,,he means it,,get us up some new pics man,,lets see how they look

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Damn Trent, Murpys law what can go wrong will go wrong.I wouldnt stress to much just dont let it happen again.They should be ok. As for the landlord situation maybe the electrician is the original contractor who did the work on the house and just wants to check any lose ends. Do you think he seen you bring in any of the equipment? If I were you I would go buy a lotto ticket its got to be time for a change of luck dont forget me if you win. Jmac


Well-Known Member
You will be fine, go smoke a bowl and just chill.:joint: You doing a great job and are willing to do what is ness. to get the best job. It will take longer then 30 hours to fuck your plants up. How do they look? good then you are good. I'm saying that this won't stress them out a little but it shouldn't be a big deal.

Take it from me my plants were about dead and they came back stronger then ever.:mrgreen:with a lot of TLC/THC


Well-Known Member
yea you would think 24/7 light would make them happy...but see what happens when you go 18/6.....they love the dark...im sure you will see a boost...as far as worrying about damage....it was very slight and im sure it probably helped them become stronger and more healthy to small changes in weather and light temp..


Well-Known Member
Ok. 18/6 it is. Why not save a little electricity with all the bullshit I have gone through. I officially have the worst luck on the forum. R U sure u guys wanna stick it out with me. I dont want to rub my bad luck off on you. Pics to be posted in 5 minutes..


Well-Known Member
You can't stop this train...So don't even try Trenton...I am sure many of us here on RIU have seen much worse situations. Roll with the punches...AND MORE COW BELL!


Well-Known Member
Im loading pics now. Please take a close look at a couple of the leaves that got burned pretty bad from the floromite (spidermite killer). I have pulled a few leaves off that were burnt like this and looked pretty bad to me. Can i pull any leaf off anywhere on the plant and what is the correct technique for doing it.


Well-Known Member
The light are about 2 feet above the plants. The burning was caused by the distance of the lights. It was caused by me being an idiot and spraying the leaves heavily and then turning the lights off however i should of turned the lights off before I sprayed the leaves with the floromite. I live and learn