60 days seed to bud?


Active Member
Nah man. I gotta 1000 watt hps rotating kitchen light.
Whaaa? Do you have a chicken rotisserie running in your kitchen?

I just grew out some Greenomatics which were finished in 67 days. I also grew a Buddha White Dwarf auto rated 60 days seed to harvest which took 90 days. I still have an Autofem Oil in my closet that wouldnt flower until I put it under 12/12. It's now at 120 days and 3 or 4 weeks to go.

The Oil plant put out a few buds and stalled. 48 hours of dark, a few more buds and stalled again etc. Finally with 12/12 GH KoolBloom and Floralicious Plus and she is budding like mad. I dunno which of those three did it. Perhaps the bitch just decided it was time to put out :) Dunno

Here's the problem, I think. Auto strains are generaly not very stable. Some are better than others. The Greenomatic was great. Im growing that again. Part of the reason is that this is still a new thing but the main problem is that you can't clone autos and you cant prolong their life cycle. This means the breeder cant develop a population of parent plants that breed stable F1s and keep them going indefinitely while selling the seeds they produce. Also testing is limited because instead of taking identical clones, every plant is grown from seed.


Well-Known Member
But they are autos they only get about 2 ft tall... im not rude im just sarcastic. I actualy dont a a 1000 watt hps rotating light in my kitchen but itd be funny if i did. I got these in a room wit 3 other plants under a 600 hps and im using fox farm everything
... geesh i certainly hope i get more then a joint. Jackass much?
High Monterello, I'm not here to lecture! just my 2 cents, now I'm not sure if your "for real" or not! but are you sure about the length of time you've been growing? seems more like 3-4 weeks by your pics? I grow under both a 250 (closet) & a 600 (tent) and both are rocking at 6 weeks!! your plants are NOT getting enough light!!! period!!!!!! do something because there not up to "par". good luck with it.


Active Member
The y only been under a 600 watt hps for four days. Befor then they were under a 8 lamp t5. I just started flowering 5 days ago.


Well-Known Member
Alot of these autoflower breeders claim to have their seeds grown to bud from seed in 60-65 days. I have had an autoflower almost a month before it flowered. Im sure it all depends on the conditions of the grow room. Also every seed you get in the same pack wont be ready at the same time.


Active Member
They were stunnted super hard. They stayed like three inches tall for the first month.
In my experience this is typical for autoflowers. Mine all stayed very small until the stretch and then grew explosively. The White Dwarf stayed at about 2". I thought there was something wrong with her. But when she stretched, she outgrew all her closet mates very quickly

BTW, I had been planning to grow 60DW in that grow but they were out of stock at the time.


I'm growing 60's right now and they're on day 92 and 32 inches tall and bushy. They have about another 3 weeks or so before harvest.


Active Member
Not all Autos's are gonna grow the way they advertise. But they do it by themselves so you just gotta wait and let her do her thang :)