60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal


well, to my slight amazement the branch/cola that broke off is still going strong, it looks no different than any of the other, non taped together branches :joint:

the buds are still in the puffball stage, i expect they will start filling in and fattening up soon though. i have them all propped up with guidewires now lol.

basically, all is well :peace:

pics as always. the botom of the beer can in the second pic is where the plants were topped, all of those big colas start down there. i plan on harvesting on haloween... TRICK OR TREAT! :D :D :D



they are really starting to look nice now :D nice nuggety crystally puffballs all over the place.. cant wait to see them when they are done, these plants are so much better than my first attempt :joint: i have them all strung up from at least 2 sides now because they are so top heavy, a couple of them were leaning almost 45 degrees the other day... this soil is too loose to hold them stable in there. the one that broke off is taped together, has the 2 main colas including the broken one tied to each other, and then all of that is tied on the front and on the side lol... i guess there are worse problems to have than pot plants that are too heavy though :D

been watering straight water for the past 4 or 5 days. still seeing the effects of the burn that i again caused them. if i do this again i am going to have to use my fert extremely sparingly.. an eighth of a teaspoon every third watering or so. maybe not even that much.




Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good. Much better than the first grow :). Its nice to see plants with fan leaves on them heh. Did you pluck every fan leaf on the first grow or what? Good luck with the rest of the grow.
Your plants are looking good. Much better than the first grow :). Its nice to see plants with fan leaves on them heh. Did you pluck every fan leaf on the first grow or what? Good luck with the rest of the grow.

thanks! i agree, they are much better looking with their leaves lol. most of the fan leaves on the first grow died and fell off due to nute burn. ive already lost quite a few from this bunch as well for the same reason.. dynagro bloom is SUPER concentrated apparently, and i am still trying to fine the sweet spot for it. i didnt burn them ne4ar as badly this time though, thats why most of the fan leaves are still there.

i thought i had learned my lesson. i used less than half of the amount of nutes this time than i did last time... still too much.

thanks for the comments.. check back near the end of the month to see how much i yield.. hoping for 6 ounces :D


Active Member
wouldn't bat guano be sufficient? was there any particular reason in selecting a nonorganic fertilizer?

all is well in my little artifically lit universe :D new burn has stopped appearing, and i am down to adding no more than several drops of my nutes per gallon every other watering.. i dont want to jinx myself, but i think this may be the sweet spot. to answer mv400s question- i originally planned on just using bat guano, but i changed my mind at the store for whatever reason and went with this stuff instead. if i had to do it again i would probably start with guano and just stay organic, but since i think i finally might have the right amount to use dialed in im going to stick with it. also, tonight i added a tbsp or so of molasses to the watering.. i suppose it is possible that something in my molasses is hurting them. im going to keep my eye out for any signs of new damage.. if i see any im ditching molasses.

i also got my next round of clones set up in a closet.. its going to be my last grow so i am doing a couple more than i did this time so itll last me longer. that means i have no more use for the mother, so she was chopped down tonight :( she served me well.. got one last pic of her to keep the good memories alive :D

anyway, here are the pics, of the new closet, the mother, and the flowering stuff too of course :D

only 20 days left :D


thanks :) hopefully it helps someone get their own stuff up and running. i have learned a hell of a lot during this little experiment.. if anyone reading this is just starting for the first time i have a couple bits of advice for you.. the main stuff i learned the hard way

DO NOT use miracle gro organic choice. it SUCKS. it cakes up unto cement after a few waterings, and it is absolutely fucking full of little gnats that will hatch after a couple weeks and get stuck all over the sticky buds. i know its easy to find and cheap, but dont use it. you will regret it. regular miracle gro potting soil is much better.. my highest yielding plant from the first grow was in regular miracle grow.

dont waste your time with cfls in flowering unless you absolutely have no way to use an hps. if you can fit an hps in there, do it. by the time i bought all of my cfls, sockets, sheetmetal, wood and mylar to build my own low budget cfl lights i had spent the same as a 150w internally ballasted hps that puts out more light. cfls are great for vegging, metal halide is definately not necessary for veg.. but cfls are not worth it unless you have space constraints. also, by the time you have 9 or 10 cfls running, they put out almost the same amount of heat as my 150w hps.

and lastly.. be careful with fertalizer. especially concentrated stuff like i have. it does not take much at all. that should be clear if you have read this whole journal lol... i am still trying to figure it out myself :)

i can say that this has been a lot of fun. i have learned and am still learning a lot. it is like christmas every day when i check on the plants :D not to mention that it feels good knowing that what you are smoking isnt covered in mildew and pesticides and gas and whatever other random crap gets added to commercial pot.

nothing new.. just got a couple decent natural light pics from tonight. looking back and comparing them with my first grow makes me feel pretty good, they are definitely quite a bit better this time around :D



thanks :D

my babies are coming along :D they are on a straight water diet from here on out. I also went and bought a few wooden dowels to use as stakes and tied 2 of them up.. i should have done that a long time ago lol. they are all way too top heavy to support themselves anymore.. i have two of them tied up from 3 directions with string stapled to the walls, and now 2 tied to stakes. the ones i staked up were at a 45 degree angle even tied up from 2 directions.. but. i think that issue is finally dealt with :bigjoint:

i am harvesting in exactly 2 weeks, halloween night.. cant wait :D


i think the middle picture is probably the coolest looking one ive taken of my plants so far :D :leaf:



just over a week to go! the buds started doing their last ditch swelling thing a couple days ago, they are all growing sideways and looking mighty fat :D ive been pulling popcorn for the past few days and it is better this time than it was last time hehe..

pics from tonight


thanks, your grow is looking good too!

no pics tonight, but the swelling continues. my nuggets are growing up and out! 7 days from now they will all be getting chopped. let the countdown begin :D
did you start flowering just after you planted?

these started as 2 inch tall cuttings off of a mother plant. once roots appeared on the clones i potted them and vegged them for a month and a half or so. i topped them at about a month, and they were around 18 inches tall when i began 12/12.. the 18 inche figure is a bit deceptive though, because they had bushed way out from the topping. i imagine if i hadnt topped them they would have been 24-26 inches when they went into flowering. topping stops upward growth for a week or two and causes the side stuff to grow out and up and fill it all of the area in my box that would be unused on an untopped plant (compare my first grow to the second).

so far i have flowered 3 different sizes of plant. i put a couple clones straight from the cloning tray into flowering and i got a quarter or so off of them. the bigger plants from the first batch went into flowering at around 12 inches, and i ended up with around a half off of each of them. this batch who knows what im going to end up with, but these plants have a *lot* more bud on them than the tall ones from the first batch. so im hoping for more than an ounce off of each plant :D

we will find out halloween night! :leaf::leaf:

this is the end game :D hell yeah i cant wait! I have a massive and important exam friday, then a halloween party, then saturday i get to spend all day harvesting my girls :D

also, i chopped my last plants on day 54, so these have officially gone longer than the last batch. for comparisons sake, here are a couple pics.. the first one is of my first grow on day 55, the second pic is of this grow on day 56.

the pics were both taken with the same camera, with the same settings, in the same box.. you can really see the additional power of the 600w light in the pics lol

