60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

thanks, i am pretty happy with how they are turning out all things considered. i have decent bud density and growth, but keep in mind that i have 236 watts of cfls in there as well. even with all that, i think i have a lot to gain from a bigger light so i am picking up a 400w for the next batch.

i dont know if ive mentioned it before, but the pots are 2 gallon and the medium is miracle grow organic choice, no perlite or anything.. yet another thing i am going to change for rd 2. i am not very happy at all with the organic choice soil.. it caked up like a cement block, and worse it as absolutely full of gnats. i have almost totally filled up 4 or 5 fly strips with tiny gnats.. its awful

local hydro store has fox farm ocean forest for 22 bucks a bag so im going to try it next time. if you or anyone else that sees this is thinking about using MG organic choice, i wouldnt recommend it.
DAY 54

trichs are still all cloudy, i didnt spend much time looking, but at a glance i am not seeing any amber

it is pretty hard to resist the temptation to cut them now. i prefer heady pot over stony stuff.. im just wondering how much weight id miss out on doing it now. their fattening growth spurt seems to have slowed.

decisions decisions. probably best to just keep holding out... which is a lot easier to say than do lol :leaf:



i think i am going to cut them tonight :D i pulled one of the medium sized nuggets last night and laid it near my hps to dry it, just got done smoking a piece of it. one big hit has me higher than a giraffes ass :D it is a nice, strong, heady high.. i love it! it also tastes damn good imo.. it is rough from the quickdry, but i can tell that after it is cured it is going to be some delicious stuff hehe

i might be losing a bit of weight, but i can tell by looking that I am going to have more than enough to last until next time anyway lol.. these plants had some rough times so i am eager to get on to the next try so i can grow some nice big ladys i can be proud of

trichs are all very cloudy, pistils are 90% brown. the high is awesome lol.. yes.. i think the time has finally come heh :weed:

ill be chopping them in a bit here, ill post pics in a few hours when i have them trimmed up :D

here are a couple final growing pics



Well-Known Member
lovely harvest.,.,gives i hope on i indo0r setup,.,.,hope to do as well as u with i rubbermaid tub grow.,.,im gona use cfl,s.,.,.,give a smoke report.,.
^^thanks :D

its all dried and into curing, final weight turned out to be just over 1.6oz

i also just pulled the two little guys that i put into flowering straight from rooting, they each weigh 26 grams wet, so another half or so there

i also made some hash oil with rubbing alcohol last night and got a dice sized cube out of all my trim and cuttings and crap that had accumulated during the grow

overall, i am a bit disappointed because i was hoping to get 6oz when i started.. an oz per plant. but- after my 2 different strains turned out to be males, and the near death experience the 4 remaining girls had, i suppose i am lucky i got what i did lol

i did learn a ton though. i put 4 nice sized clones into the flowering chamber a little bit ago, topped a week or two ago. i am going to let them grow to 20 inches or so before i begin flowering this time. i am also upgrading to a 400w hps and getting rid of all of the flouros. ill also be using fox farms soil instead of mg organic choice.

hoping for at least 4oz from the next batch :D


Well-Known Member
^^thanks :D

its all dried and into curing, final weight turned out to be just over 1.6oz

i also just pulled the two little guys that i put into flowering straight from rooting, they each weigh 26 grams wet, so another half or so there

i also made some hash oil with rubbing alcohol last night and got a dice sized cube out of all my trim and cuttings and crap that had accumulated during the grow

overall, i am a bit disappointed because i was hoping to get 6oz when i started.. an oz per plant. but- after my 2 different strains turned out to be males, and the near death experience the 4 remaining girls had, i suppose i am lucky i got what i did lol

i did learn a ton though. i put 4 nice sized clones into the flowering chamber a little bit ago, topped a week or two ago. i am going to let them grow to 20 inches or so before i begin flowering this time. i am also upgrading to a 400w hps and getting rid of all of the flouros. ill also be using fox farms soil instead of mg organic choice.

hoping for at least 4oz from the next batch :D

Can't wait to see the next one. Hope nothing but good luck to ya.


may as well keep the original thread going so its easy to see the difference a little experience can make :D

this time ive got 4 clones going, they were topped a couple weeks ago and are coming along mighty fine. i have them under 8 26w cfls and 4 4ft flouros.. same fixtures as in the original grow, i just have the clone light in the flowering room in place of the hps. these clones are much bushier and taller than the last plants were when i put them into flowering, and i am going to keep vegging these girls for at least another week.. id like them to be close to 20" when i put them into flowering.

the clones were rooted in peat pots and then planted in miracle gro pottig soil in small tupperware containers where i let them grow out for a couple weeks until last night when i transplanted them into the big pots filled with fox farms ocean forest ( only 18 bucks at the local shop woohoo) and a bag of perilite.

last night i also ordered a 600w hps setup heh... im hoping this grow be night and day compared to the last one. im not going to be using any nutes at all until a month into flowering and even then im not going to be adding much. hopefully with the bigger starting plants, dramatically improved lighting, and better soil and nutes i can pull an oz per plant. that is my goal for this time through. sound reasonable?

here are a couple pics of the clones vegging out. i figure ill start them in flowering next friday or so. they are all around 14 inches right now


just got my 600w light... holy jesus christ it is BRIGHT. there is absolutely no comparison with any other light i have owned, and i keep saltwater fishtanks as well so i have metal halides laying around.. nothing comes close to this thing. i got the whole setup, digital ballast reflector socket and 95,000 lumen bulb from htg supply for something like 220$ shipped. its only been on for a few hours but i am very impressed.

the plants are around 16 inches tall now but the are bushy as hell and have even canopies with lots of colas up at he top. i am going to throw them into flowering tonight just because of height restriction in the box. the 600w bulb is putting out alot of heat s9 i need quite abit more room than i did before. hadnt really planned on that.

anyone have any experience upgrading lights like this? i wonder how much of a difference the extra light will make.. it is dramatically more bright than it wa before.. the last grow had ~30,000 lumens.. this one has3 times that

here are new pics from a bit ago. i added arrows pointing to all of the growth tips where colas will form on one of the plants.. i only topped these things once, whn they were around 8 inches tall.. i dont know why i have so many tips up on top like i do, but im sure not complaining


2nd grow flowering day 3

everything is going good. this ff ocean forest mixed with perlite doesnt hold nearly the water that the mg organic choice did, and it doesnt compact either. after a few waterings the mg organic caked up and turned into a muddy brick that shrunk and pulled away from the walls of the pots. the ocean forest is staying nice and airy and springy. only downside is i have to water daily now, 1/4 gallon per pot.

the 600w light is really just intense as hell in my little box. 95,000 lumens into 4 plants crammed into 6 square feet that is completely wrapped in mylar. it is BRIGHT in there. hopefully i get some nice fat nuggets as a result. it will certainly be interesting to compare the yield of these plants vs the first harvest.


Flowering day 8

all is well. having to water a lot. This soil doesnt hold moisture for shit. Next time I'm not going to add any extra perlite. no signs of buds yet, but the colas are all looking like they are going to start showing any day. woohoo.

these plants arent all that tall, but it looks like they are each going to have 5 or 6 "main" colas. they are kind of funny looking actually.. they look regular up to about 6 inches where they were topped, then they just bush out like crazy from that point.

oh, i forgot to mention that i also added a fan in the box and that brought temps down from near 90 to around 80 flat. should have probably done that a long time ago.

i am not going to add any nutes until they start to show a deficiency, to avoid burning them like i did last time. i have no idea how long the stuff that comes in ocean forest will last. i am debating on whether to use the dynagro bloom again, or to try going organic and just using guano and molasses. id love to stay all organic, but the dynagro has a lot of trace stuff in it.. decisions decisions. maybe ill do 2 one way and 2 the other.. hmm


Flowering day 13

plants are all around 21 inches tall.. i have had some yellowing and brown spotting of a few lower fan leaves, not sure if it is lack of nutes or just a natural dying off of some low fan leaves. still watering distilled every day or two as they need it. tiny buds started showing a couple days ago, still in the very early stages but they are noticeable now. everything is going good. i planted my next round of clones this evening as well, so they should have a solid 50 or so days of vegging ahead.

pics, as always :)



been watering with 1/4th tsp dyna gro bloom per gallon every day and a half or so.. tips are looking a bit burned as of tonight so i gave them all straight water today. the tallest plant is over 23 inches tall now. buds are coming in nicely... ive got little white puffballs all over the place :D each plant seems to have 3 or 4 dominant colas, with 4 or 5 or 6 smaller but still decent colas coming up from the middles and sides. im thinking about using some twine to spread the plants out a bit more.. they have done a pretty good job of filling all of the available space on their own, but i think spreading the tops out a bit might get me some more growth out of the smaller colas in the center

the way it looks right now is that each plant has as much growing bud as all 4 of my last plants combined... this batch is *way* bushier and appears to be in better health as well. hopefully they keep it up :D




Active Member
Yeah man. Looking good. Just lit a spliff and read all 5 pages bro!
Just finished my first real grow and working on my second as well. I pulled an Oz off each plant and they were the size that yours are the second time around. My current crop is 4.5 feet tall with the pots!! Haha
I know you probably said it, but what size pots are you flowering in? The 2 gals? Plants this size will want a 3 gal pot to take it all the way through flowering and produce good buds. Also, add some Co2 for a entire grow and watch your yield double! I read that you have to water alot and dont plan on using pearlite next time. Whoa there speed racer! You need pearlite to loosen the soil for your rapid root expansion, how much is watering "alot" ? Watering "alot" means your plants are growing "alot".... That is good news, for personal growers, not bad news... You can lighten Fox Farms Ocean forest with some Fox Farms light warrior soil, then throw in less pearlite than usual too. Plus, don't worry about $17 bags of soil if you are harvesting +/- 2oz on your first harvest!

Also, if you are not adding co2 to the space, you will want temps at 76F not 80F. If adding Co2 80F max is ok... And keep night time temps the same as day time will also keep them healthy.. I added a small night fan heater to my flowering room..

I am not trying to lecture.. Hope it doesn't come off that way, I am trying to help you get 2oz + from each plant. I rooting for all of us in this hobby!

Are you monitoring your water ph? What are you using for water? Distilled? I mix half distilled half tap and let it sit for atleast 24 hrs in a 5 gal bucket with air stone to add O2 and let the stuff settle in the tap water... This will save money if you are using 100% distilled.

Peace, Prosperity, and Subscribed! :peace:


thanks :D

the pots are around 3 gallons. my last grow didnt get anywhere near root bound so i think they will be good for the size these things should get.

water is all distilled. i use it in my reef aquarium too so its getting fairly annoying and expensive and i really need to just invest in a ro/di unit.

co2 would be awesome but i want to keep everything fairly straightforward and i really dont smoke enough to need any extra anyway. this second crop is going to completely blow my first attempt out of the water and i still have some of that left anyway... not that i am complaining :D

everything is still going smoothly :joint: a few of the older and lower fan leaves are yellowing and dying still but the plants are growing vigorously and i havent ran into any signifigant burn or deficiencies yet.. hopefully i keep that up. these plants seem to be extremely sensitive to my nutes. the ocean forest alone wasnt enough for them, they started showing a bit of a def. so i started adding a quarter tsp of nutes per gallon every other water and that small amount even seemed too much.. now i am using 1/8th tsp every water and they seem to be happy :D

they are almost halfway done. woohoo!

here are some good pics as they stand this evening :D


damn! one drawback to topping like i did is that the plant gets pretty damn top heavy.. i was just tying up the back right plant in an attempt to stop it from falling over under its own weight, and one of its main colas snapped right off.. it was hanging still barely connected by the outer part of the stem only.. the pulp was completely snapped through... i ran and grabbed some electrical tape and taped her back together and so far it still seems alive.. hasnt drooped a bit. i am obviously hoping that it will continue growing like nothing happened. it was a clean break and i have it taped up tight.. well see

only positive thing is that i got to see the full size of a cola.. and it was over a foot long.. just the one broken cola looks bigger than an entire plant from the last crop. i am fairly sure that each of these plants is going to yield well over an ounce.. anyway, i am going to have to be pretty careful from now on.. it snapped fairly easily and they arent even close to full weight yet.. ugh

no pic.. more concerned about saving her than capturing my mistake


Active Member
Just be easy on them for the rest of the grow and you should only be snapping branches at harvest.. I have done the same thing, you should be ok, it might take a day off to heal, then get back on track though..