60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

well, i cant take not telling anyone about my little experiment any longer, so i figure ill start up a journal on here so i can talk about this stuff with someone. a clandestine weed growers life is a lonely one it seem :(

anyway, this is my first attempt at growing.. ive always thought about it, but finally got around to actually trying in around feb of this year. i stuck a few random seeds from some above average mids into a few pots of miracle grow potting soil and off i went.

i vegged for a long time, 3 months or so before i took any clones off of the best plant. vegging of the mother up to the point when i took clones was done in a corner of a room under 2 4ft shoplights with a 2300k and a 6500k bulb in each, growth was nice and tight and the plants were very healthy, never showed any signs of burn or anything from the miracle gro soil.

when it came time to put the clones into flowering i built myself a divided box that holds my mother and 6 clones on one side, and 6 flowering plants in 2 gallon pots on the other. flowering lighting is 150w of hps and around 320w of flourescent. 6 26w spiral cfls in a custom hood, and a 4ft shoplight up the side of each wall.

i have had some issues with nute burn and lack of drainage so i believe the plants are fairly stunted, but even so... god damn are they looking GOOD. i figure they still have 2 weeks or so left before they are finished, but if i chopped them now they would still be some killer stuff. the buds are very dense and very crystally... they look quite a bit better than the majority of the dank i see around here.

anyway, here are a bunch of pictures from when they were freshly rooted and transplanted clones all the way up until tonight. enjoy :D i will keep this updated until harvest time. they are still growing like crazy, and in the last couple days the buds have started growing out sideways as well as up.. there are nice new growth heads showing all the way around most of the nuggets. how much can i expect them to plump up past where they are? the most recent pic is at 6 and a half weeks in flowering. the main colas are all around 6 inches tall and about the width of a toilet paper tube, and are swelling out daily.

left to right top to bottom the dates for the pics are:

pic 1 6/14
pic 2 6/22 first day of flowering
pic 3 day 7
pic 4 day 13
pic 5 day 17
pic 6 day 20
pic 7 day 24
pic 8 day 32
pic 9 day 36
pic 10 day 41
pic 11 day 43 (today woohoo)
pic 12 the box

thanks for looking! i have no idea what kind of yield to expect, like i said, this is my first ever grow and the strain is unknown. the genetics seem very, very good though, as the plants are just completely covered in tightly spaced, dense, trich covered buds and they absolutely REEK like dank.. no blueberry or lemons or whatever, it just smells like some incredible pot. :D :D i can not wait!!



Active Member
nice op

you could fill out that room a bit and get square pots too

looking super grate tho,,, sweeeeeet
ive been thinking about square pots.. thinking hard about them actually heh. i could fit 8 in there most likely if i change over.

there are a lot of things i want to revise for the second round.. mainly i want to replace my assload of cfls and 150 hps with one 400w, and my ventilation needs to be improved. i am running an 80cfm bath fan that can only keep the box at ~83 degrees.. and thats in a cold room with the a/c set to 70.

but, for now i am just pumped to finally have some "fruit" for all of my labor lol.. ive spent a lot of time researching and developing my setup so i will be very happy when it finally all pays off in 2 weeks and i can stop paying for pot hehehe :D

i will say this... it is HARD to resist the urge to pick one of those lower buds off and smoke it. i almost did last night.. but damn if they havent all shot out 2 or 3 new growth heads each in the last few nights.. its like the plant is testing me heh.. man it is looking good though. for as much trouble as i had with the burning and root issues from the lack of drainage, i am stunned that they look as nice as they do. i cant wait to see how they look at this point during the next rotation.
pics from tonight. the main cola of the plant in the first pic shot up almost an inch of new growth over the night :D

they are all growing like crazy. its cool because for the last week or two it seemed that they werent putting on much size, then pow.. a few days ago they started a very nice growth spurt that seems to be speeding up. that is fine with me :D

anyone have any comment on the bud itself? it is bagseed, but it was out of some mids that were memorably good. looked like it was someones outdoor dank grow that got seeded. light green and heady, but the plants seem to be indica.. they sure stay short and squat and seem to be growing pretty quickly.

this being my first grow, i am still unsure how much longer they have to go. if anyone has a guess id like to hear it :D

also, the main colas are all roughly the size of a beer can. what kind of weight is reasonable to expect out of a bigass bud like that? it is not rock dense, but they are definately solid. i have no idea whether to expect to end up with a quarter off each plant or an ounce.. all uncharted territory for me. if anyone has any idea i am all ears!


cool, thanks :D

ill be updating every night until harvest. we can all watch them finish out together :D

feel free to post anything you guys want in here. questions or specific pic requests or whatever. cant talk about the stuff in the real world so id like to in here hehe
my room effing reeks. my little homemade carbon scrubber cant keep up anymore.. its annoying but i guess its still a pretty good thing heh

new pics tonight.. cant wait :D

oh man oh man oh man they just keep on growing in all directions :D new outward growth is all over the place.. the fattening continues!

i am going to water them with dyna gro bloom in a few minutes and probably once again on day 49 and then ill probably start the flush. i still havent figured out what the sweet spot is with these nutes. i burned the shit out of them initally, now they are showing deficiency, but im not sure if it is because they are nearing the end of flowering or if they really are deficient. hopefully i will have it dialed in for the next grow. right now i am using 1/4 tsp per gallon of the dyna gro.. im going to try slightly more than that tonight.

the second pic is of one of the plants i took out of the cloning area early to replace the two plants of a different strain that i had previously and ended up being hermies. they were put into flowering around 10 days after having been cloned. roots were hanging out of the peat pots but they hadnt grown at all from their cloned size of 2 or so inches with one fan leaf. they are exactly 10 days behind the larger plants, so this is day35 of flowering for them. they are pretty funny.. just buds on a stick. they are dense though, and could probably be growing in beer pong cups. which is making me wonder if sog might be a good idea for my third grow. id like to get as much as possible out of the third grow because i plan on taking the setup down after that and just smoking free for a long, long time :D


DAY 46

everything is coming along nicely. last night i fed a gallon of distilled water with approx 1 tbsp of molasses and just under 1/2 tsp dyna gro bloom. the buds are noticeably fatter and taller again today. trichomes are still mostly clear.

i also picked a couple pieces of popcorn and laid them on top of my lamp last night. they were nice and dry today so i got to try the stuff for the first time. it was harsh from the quick dry and untrimmed leaves, but i did get some hints of how it will really taste and it is definately dank stuff. the high is very heady and giggly, good for the cleaning i had to do tonight.



thanks!! i hope so :D ill be updating every day until harvest, well see what happens

does anyone that has had a similar sized plant have a general estimate of what kind of weight i might expect? i am having a hard time visualizing what it will all look like cut. the buds are not fluffy at all, they are nice and solid and syrupy feeling when you touch them heh.. dont know if im going to be rolling around in 5 ounces or a few eights heh
DAY 51

i topped my vegging clones to see what kind of difference it will make over these untopped plants. they have 19 more days of veg ahead of them so hopefully i can top both of the tops on them again and still have nice growth when i put them into flower. 4 main colas is better than one i guess heh


I dont have any plants to compare to :( but based on your description, photos with the beer can, and some dried weed I've had, I would put my guess in at a conservative around 1/2 ounce per plant If they're really tight and solid. I had some blueberry kush that looked a lot like that, and an 8 looked like 1/2oz, but they were loose and fluffy.

If it turns out to be an Ounce per plant, though, then you can be pleasantly surprised, instead of disappointed.

But it wont be an ounce. It wont be. But maybe 1/2 oz.

cool, thats pretty much what i am expecting. i figure anything over 2oz is just a bonus. its just for personal use and im not a very big smoker so that will be4 just about right. round 2 should be quite a lot better now that i know how this strain responds to these nutes :)

regardless, next friday they are going to get the chop, so we will see then :D
DAY 53

all the trichs are nice and cloudy.. i can see the a difference just looking at the plants normally, they are starting to get that gooey crispy look that good dank has. the stuff is also really starting to smell good. its always been fairly stinky, but man it smells like WEED now. strong. through the carbon filter and anywhere within 20 ft of the box lol. its too much actually, im definately going to have to make a bigger filter for next time. not that i am complaining :weed:


Wow man that is sick,you have given me hope,I have almost the exact same set up as you and I used to think my 150w HPS would not be big enough for a big 9 month old female sativa ,but I am now convinced it will,good job man I will be following this thread