60 day wonder hermaphrodite?


This is my first post so here it goes. I am growing 2 fem 60day wonders from DNA genetics. I am at about day 48 running 20/4 the entire time. The buds are coming along nicely until yesterday i noticed they were growing seeds on the stems! Did they pollinate themselves? are most fem seeds doing this or is it an autoflower problem?

sorry i have no pics but there are definately seeds on my 2 female plants


Well-Known Member
need to see some pic,it sounds like they could be cylaxes,where the seeds would be but they are full of resin.


60day.jpg60day seed.jpg

This is a pic of my 2 plants they sprouted on 4/4/10. Second pic is of the seed sack? i cracked one open and it just looked like the beggings of a hair or maybe a seed


Well-Known Member
look at the top upper right corner, what is that? It's blurry so i cant tell but it does look like it may be a male flower/pollen sack, or it could be normal growth that just doesnt look quite right because of how blurry it is.

edit-btw, the thing in the middle with the hair coming out is a caylx, it looks like the pistil may be receding into the caylx and the caylx swelling up, a possible sign of pollination, I'm not saying thats what it is though, just that its a possibility that you might want to look into further.


Ok here is a pic of what was inside. kinda blurry but still looks like a young beaner to me. So far i'm only really seeing this on one plant. The other one looks more normal and has started to turn a dark purple onthe top leaves.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Thats not a hermie,thats a pollinated female that has empty seed bracks.I have fem seeds do this from time to time,I used to worry about where in the fuck that pollen came from but now I just check all my plants for actual nut sacks.Your plant is female dude!!!!!..peace


Thats not a hermie,thats a pollinated female that has empty seed bracks.I have fem seeds do this from time to time,I used to worry about where in the fuck that pollen came from but now I just check all my plants for actual nut sacks.Your plant is female dude!!!!!..peace
woot! thanks man. I was just starting to think how nice it would be to have 50 of these seeds. if someone could tell me how to give rep i'd hook you guys up


Active Member
Thanks...i just put them in some random lowes organic soil and used iguana juice for 2-3 weeks
sorry man I hope you do not mind me asking what size pot did you use and is it pos to tell me what strenth did you used iwith the guana


I have just place an order to get some