60 day lemon auto seedling stunted. Need help


New Member
image.jpgHi, i am growing 60 day lemon auto organically outdoors. Few days back i left my seedling outdoor in sun during evening and when i checked it later the seedling had fell over probably due to intense heat in the area i live. Temp. Here is around 46 degrees Celsius. Thats why u try to expose them to direct sunlight only during early morning and late evening. However to save my plant i put some more soil around the stem to make it upright and revive back, but it seems the growth has stunted, the first set of leaves haven't grown a bit since past 4 days when it fell over. The only good thing is that the leaves still haven't turned yellow or withered and the stem still looks green. Please help, i really want it to revive back... P.s : its 6 days old currentlyimage.jpgimage.jpg
Well intense sunlight that young will stunt them alittle... heat means nothing its moisture. Since they use the water to get nutrients heat will only make you have to water more often. There is often 10 to 20 days after a seed reaches surface that humidity is more important then light intensity. The plant at that early stage uses the humidity to start photosynthesis by turning humidity into usable moisture. I choose to mist my plants rather then water every 2 days... I can water every 3 -4 and mist daily. By misting your promoting humidity and the plant uses the water that hits it directly instead of via soil absorbtion. Key thing here.. I stop misting at day 30 in veg....before I 12/12...If your not going ot use a propogation plastic dome thing or party cups with plastic wrap you may want to try mixing in direct clean ph neutral water misting bottle.

I edited to remind you that you can burn plants by having lights to close after misting. its a magnification thing... I use a pvc pipe cut in half and have t5- t8 on movers i just move the light up to 6 inch for an hour or so also helps them stretch to the light.


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the reason i asked is auto's like high drainage soil mixes it will also stunt growth if they stay to wet between waterings is why i asked and yes there is no need for direct noon day sun to a seedling