6 White Widow - 4 god knows?


Well-Known Member
Looking great, i'm interested in comparing the nirvana WW i got with your dutch passion ones. Mine lok very sativa dominant and yours seem very indica dominant.I'm almost in week 3 of flower, startin to get some baby buds now. Great grow!
Here's a pic of my Dutch Passion feminised White Widow at 4 weeks flowering. She is almost pure sativa looking. I think it's just a crap shoot what genetics you get from any supplier. Luck, just like most things.



Well-Known Member
haha mate wtf, no offence or anything but looks like ur trying to grow under a night light! No plant is going to grow to its full potential unless u invest in some kit, get real man seriously


Well-Known Member
haha mate wtf, no offence or anything but looks like ur trying to grow under a night light! No plant is going to grow to its full potential unless u invest in some kit, get real man seriously
Seriously dude, results count, not your opinion. My 2 to 3 ozs dry per plant isn't too bad for these night lights (2 T5's and 2 cfl's). My HPS puts out way too much heat for my grow area and burns the plants crispy. I'm working with the space and resources I have for now.

WTF - "Get real man seriously" With all of the newb's and cfl and Dixie cup setups on here, you must get to use that line real often.



Well-Known Member
Seriously dude, results count, not your opinion. My 2 to 3 ozs dry per plant isn't too bad for these night lights (2 T5's and 2 cfl's). My HPS puts out way too much heat for my grow area and burns the plants crispy. I'm working with the space and resources I have for now.

WTF - "Get real man seriously" With all of the newb's and cfl and Dixie cup setups on here, you must get to use that line real often.
wow! those are some awesome pics! beautiful bud porn! especially woth the light ur using...looks like "your get real "buddy" could learn something from ya!...lol..rep+


Active Member
Hey Starsailor, I was wondering if you used/checked PH of water or just used distilled tap water? I'm asking because I haven't seen anything about it in your journal and am very curious to find out if you did or not!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get across as negative, just really interested!!! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Hey Starsailor, I was wondering if you used/checked PH of water or just used distilled tap water? I'm asking because I haven't seen anything about it in your journal and am very curious to find out if you did or not!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get across as negative, just really interested!!! :smile:
The PH in my area is high, very high. I think thats why I had problems with hydro.

I didnt do anything when I used Bio Bizz All Mix, I just used water from the tap (that I left to stand for 24 hours to get rid of the Chlorine). I had no problems.

Will be posting dry weight soon. Need to get some more scales.



Well-Known Member
At last - the day!

They dried out in my bud box with the fan on 24/7 for 10 days. I picked them when the stems snapped rather than bent. Averaged 35% humidity, 22 degrees centigrade.

The only thing I will say is they are very dry. When I estimated the dry weight and then measured it, I got less than I thought. Could they have dried too much?

I have weighed each plant individually, then stored it in its own jar so I dont mix them up. This way I will know which was the best time for harvesting as they all seemed to be at different stages when I pulled them.

OK - the dry weights.

White widow 1 31g
White widow 2 30g
White Widow 3 37g
White widow 4 39g
White widow 5 41g
White widow 6 27g
Bag seed 1 39g
Bag seed 2 34g
Total Dry Weight 278g

Its over 9 ounces so I am not too bothered. I averaged over an ounce per plant which was my initial target. If I hadnt have attacked them to smoke in the last few weeks I would have had more - you live and learn.....




Well-Known Member
Just read through the journal. Looks very nice! Great job!
I had the same root bound problem with my WW the first time I tried to grow too.. hah. doh!
(And then my cat ate it. Haha. I walk out of the room for 1 minute...)

Round 2 is a couple weeks in. Enjoy your harvest!