6 White Widow - 4 god knows?


Well-Known Member
Well its only been 4 days since my last lot of pics but the improvement has been amazing. Every plant has responded brilliantly to the new pots and the increased nutrient.

The growth has been phenomenal, the leaves have a healthy shine and everything seems to be going to plan.

I took them all out and took pics. I noticed early male flowers on one of the bagseed plants. I wasnt too sure so I have taken a pic - any advice gratefully received.

Pics below.




Well-Known Member
Not posted for a while so I am just gonna post pics and the nutrient quota. I weeded out the males so I am down to 6 White widow and 2 Bagseed.

Bio Bizz Bio Bloom 25mls / 10 litres.



Well-Known Member
Increased nutrient to 30mls.

Bio Bizz Bio Bloom 30mls / 10 Litres.

The pics are taken 1 week from the last set.



Well-Known Member
Bio Bizz Bio Bloom 30mls / 10 Litres

Started Bio Bizz Top Max (Flowering booster) 20mls / 10 Litres



Well-Known Member
Bio Bizz Bio Bloom 35mls / 10 Litres
Bio Bizz Top Max 25mls / 10 Litres

Buds are growing brilliantly. The Top Max just made an explosion of flowers and fattening of the buds!



Well-Known Member
Bio Bizz Bio Bloom 40mls / 10 Litres
Bio Bizz Top Max 30mls / 10 Litres

Buds just get bigger every day. Smell is very strong, very sweet, almost citrus. The bagseed plants are huge. I had to string them up, they cant hold the weight of the bud. I have no idea what strain they are.



Well-Known Member
Bio Bizz Bio Bloom 40mls / 10 Litres
Bio Bizz Top Max 30mls / 10 Litres

More amazing bud growth!

The White Widows differ from each other slightly. Its like there are 2 strains. Its just the colours differ and the smell is slightly different. I dont see it so much in the pics.

The 2 Bagseed are huge. They are very different to the others in smell and look.



Well-Known Member
Just Water. No nutes. Flushing through.

I switched the lights down to 18/6 for the last 2 weeks of flowering. Apparently this stresses the plant to stop producing new buds and fatten the ones she has with resin. It makes sense so I am seeing what happens.

The buds are getting very heavy for the branches. I am picking at them now and snipping branches where the buds are to heavy. I microwave it to smoke. I am not keen on this method - I would appreciate any other methods anyone has. I dont want to flash bake them in the oven. The microwave is OK, but it takes away the density of the bud (if that makes sense).

The smoke was harsh - but a great high. :clap:

These are my latest pics - I am now up to date. Its day 56 today. I am leaving them for another couple of weeks to get maximum crystal formation. I have a microscope to see the trichomes, they are all clear so I am gonna leave it till I see some going cloudy.

I have never pruned or topped any of the plants. I wanted to see what nature did. I was told I had too many plants in my tent. I can understand that they would grow bushy if I trimmed them, but there would have been no room. I am very happy with what I have!

In all the photos, the plants were placed in the same place so I could take the same shot each week. I could see the hight increase week by week. The only down side was bringing the plants out into the kitchen absolutely stunk the whole flat out!
For a first time, I am impressed with the result so far! :weed:



Well-Known Member
The idea was to get a good supply. I will see how this lasts me then work out how often I need to do it.

I smoke about an ounce a month. If I can get at least 8ozs out of these plants - i'll be happy.

I may try lowryders. It limits the time I have to have my setup.


Well-Known Member
you wont get a decent yield with lows, stick to the real deal. Its not worth the trouble of growing to get a quarter to a half ounce off a plant


Well-Known Member
you wont get a decent yield with lows, stick to the real deal. Its not worth the trouble of growing to get a quarter to a half ounce off a plant
What's the high like with Lowryders? I've never tried but I kinda like the convenience factor of flowering 9 weeks from seed.


Well-Known Member
No nutes, Just dechlorinated water.

No new growth apart from fattening of the buds. Still clear trichomes though? I was expecting at least a few cloudy by now. I'm not too bothered, I've waited this long - whats another week?

More pics taken today.




Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1701140]damn looking great, make sure you give us a smoke report[/quote]

Well i've been bad and have been snipping buds. They are amazing. Very high, happy smoke.

I'll let you know when I have dried and cured.



Well-Known Member
Hang dry them to cure if you can.
Gonna turn my Budbox into a drying room. Its got a good temperature, well ventilated, low humidity. Gonna string them for a couple of weeks, till the stems snap, then put them in vaccuum seal glass jars. Well thats the plan. :blsmoke:
