6 Weeks with Pics --- and questions


This is my first grow and I have 5 plants that are 6 weeks into VEG. I have been trying different techniques on different plants which i only did recently so the effects arent noticeable. Plants have been doing awesome lately, with dark green leaves, new branches growing from each node.
Im growing in my closet and do not want the plants to get out of hand, as i have heard plants grow a lot during flowering. Im wondering when I should begin the flowering stage. Should I let the lower new branches gain some size before i flower or should i flower now.
If i flower now, what could my yield potentially be, and how could i maximize it. Im not exactly in a rush to flower them, my only worry is there size.
Please help me out fellow hobbyists



Active Member
ok generally speaking

indica double in size during flowering, so thats the total height from the top of your flower pot to the bottom of your lights, devide that in half and flower at that height

sativas can triple in height (boy can they triple) so its the same thing devided by 3

also think of topping and growing the many branched beast


Well-Known Member
All Strains flower and Vegg different, Ive had a strain grow in a similar way as yours, Grew very compact in vegg and very slowy got taller but it was super dense, then as soo as it goes into flowering it exploded in size and tones of side branching came out. Leaves were all small and Dark Dark green. Also what kind of lighting do u have, u might want to consider getting a better light as it helps alot. Also what kind of nutes are u using on the plants if any at all?


Active Member
I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said.Your plants are very nice looking.You've obviously been doing a good job.gl


Lighting: Six 48'' inch T5HO lights (324Watts) + two 48''inch Compact Flourescent (100 Watts)
Nutes: I have a miracle grow solution I can add to the water but have only did it once. Usually water the plants once every 2 - 3 days when plants seem dry with tap water that has been out for over 24hours.


New Member
yea, man your girls are looking nice and healthy, what type of stuff were you doing to each plant? How much height do you have to play with? You got some nice size stems on those baby's for their size, if you didn't just top them, I would actually go looking into lollypoping if I were you, you can fit alot more in that little space you have there, and would be the best way to maximize on your yeilds in my opinion. I don't lollypop myself I do lst, but am thinking on doing it next grow depends on my yeild this time from my first lst grow, every other one I just grew normal. If you topped them I'd look into lst, takes up more room but keeps your plants nice and short and gives you lots of colas. Just some ideas for ya budz. Hope it helps


Well for my height, I am doing so in my closet so I can go pretty high, however, I am in an apartment and i dont want the smell getting outrageous. I am planning on building some form of enclosed cabinet for the plants, with a carbon air filter and fresh air filter, but that isnt to happen too soon.
The experiments Im doing with the plants are all my first time. One plant i have bent over for some Low Stress Training. I am going to have it circle around the outer limits of the pot it is in. A second method I did was i pinched off the top new growing node so that two new colas grow. A third method i attempted was that i trimmed all the large leaves off of the plant except the top two. I did this to enable light to penetrate into the stem area of the plant to promote growth of new branches. I have two plants i have yet to experiment with however one plant i am going to do nothing with as a control. Lollipopping was a suggested technique and I have read to trim all lower branches and leaves off to promote growth in the top where THC density is highest.


New Member
don't trim off your fan leafs, you need them for their energy production, if they get in your way just bend them and hold them with wire or twist ties. You should NEVER cut off your fan leafs, no matter what some other meat head tells you. You need them, they absorbe light into them and turn that energy into growth energy, no energy.............not much growth. Just cut the shoots off, a week before 12/12 and then on week 4 of 12/12 and then leave them like that.
I like how you have all diff types grows, lst, topping and normal, should be quite interesting.
good luck


Well thanks for the tidbit about the fan leaves and leaving them there. Was fun to do anyhow, made a green tea with them after but im pretty sure the THC content was below zero; lol.
hardroc: what do you mean when you say "cut the shoots off" a week before flower?