6 weeks into flowering a 12 week sativa, how should it look?


Well-Known Member
yea they will. higth growth will stop and all growth will go to buds at that point. they look nice. keep them healthy and yo will have some nice bud. what kind yo have there


Active Member
just a bit.

what are your nutrients, if using any?
Well, for the ease of maintainance i opted for the MG soil with the 3 Month slow release ferts. It's not ideal but it's easy. It's coming up on three months of being planted so i am expecting to have to supplement the nutes soon. Any suggestions?


Active Member
yea they will. higth growth will stop and all growth will go to buds at that point. they look nice. keep them healthy and yo will have some nice bud. what kind yo have there
It's called Sterling Haze its from Sativa Seeds. I think its a cross between Northern Lights and a Haze. It's been a hardy strain since it popped out of the soil.


Well-Known Member
go get you some pro bloom, from botanicare, fruit and flower formula, it seems to work for me. but that all in ever used so

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
If you have a home depot around you, look for better-gro orchid bloom boost. It's only a couple of bucks and the npk is 11-35-15. That should do ya' until you can get some real nutes.


Well-Known Member
When I was using the regular type MiracleGro(the blue crystals), I mixed it at 1/4 strength too, and had some trouble with fert burn. Recently, I swithed to Dynagrow, and was shocked to find that full strength Dynagrow measured about 100 PPM when it was mixed, and that Miraclegrow measured a little over 400 PPM when mixed at 1/4 strength. That stuff is really potent(as you noticed :wink:). I could be wrong about the MG figures, because it's been a while since i checked it, but I know it's quite a bit stronger than the 'cannabis specific' ferts. So, if you still want to use it, I'd mix it somewhere in the 100 PPM range, and you should be fine. Sorry to hear about the damage to that nice plant.


Well-Known Member
just remember less is good, to much kills. can all ways give more, but cant take back to much. you know what i mean?


Active Member
Is this strain 100% sativa and how long did you let it veg?
As far as I know it's full sativa. I vegged it for 30 days total and topped it at about 2 weeks.
This is what the site says about it, "We have crossed our Haze with Northern Light to produce a heavier set plant. This classic F1 hybrid will still reach great heights, yet dense Northern Light-style buds form on its tall stems. The bud leaves are a bright lime green. As with any Haze hybrid, this strain does require some attention and patience. Sterling Haze takes about 11 weeks to flower and has a strong THC of 15-24%.
Sterling Haze smoke has that familiar sweet-and-sour haze-y taste and produces a stony yet uppy high. "


Active Member
I am by no means an expert on MJ strains but if I am not mistaken a pure 100% sativa would probably veg for a minimum of 2-3 months for it to reach it's full potential. Then you would want to flower it for another 3 months like you noted. This is one of the reasons why they started cross breeding these Sativas with the fast growing Indicas. It's all about production time. Hope you have plenty of head room for these 100% Sativas can get large at full maturity. :)