6 weeks into flower!!! whats happening to my baby girls?????!!!!


Active Member
Please have a look at my girls and let me know what you think!!!

There is a little vid on my journal thats not great but you can see some of my problems on there!!!

Also here's a pic! again not the greatest but you can make out some browning on the little leaves around the top bud!!!

A few people have given some advice but im still not exactly sure what to do next!!!
I plan to give all the girls a flush tom! then 2 more feeds which will be:- 2 litres of water with 5ml bloom food( thats half what i have been using) and 3ml pk 13-14(again nearly half what ive been using)
Was going to not use the molasses i have been using in case it has somthing to do with the problems im having but if someone tells me its not that and its ok to keep using, then i will!!!!
After the 2 feeds then the final flush for 10 days plus!!!!

Please all help very welcome!!!!!

If you need more info!! Please take a look at my journal!!!!

Stay Strong Peeps!!!



Well-Known Member
ok not sure but every time i have got bud rot or bud mold thats what it looks like at first when it starts. keep fans on high on the bro 24/7. no spraying the plants down leaf feeding. as i said not sure on that so dont go nuts.


Well-Known Member
i didnt really see any problems really, possibley a lil nuteburn or overwatering but the fan leaves getting yellow and dying is completely normal for the stage of growth your in, your leaves are doing/looking pretty good for how far into flower you are. that one little red splotch on the middle of the one leaf is kind of odd though.


New Member
bro its so obvious

2 litres of water with 5ml bloom food( thats half what i have been using) and 3ml pk 13-14
Bloom food is what like 10-54-40 or like 0-4-8 or what I donno what kind you're using but obviously it has low N and pk 13/14 has even less N so your problem is most likely N and some micro that comes with the GH micro or whatever if you're using something like miracle grow bloom its 10-50-40 or so and you don't need to add pk to that the ratio is already fucking awful that would just make it worse.

good luck figuring this out. most likely your ratios are fucked or your missing a micro or not enough of a micro. tough sit. nutrients issue, definitely, and you gave nil info on your nutes so can't help you.


New Member
i didnt really see any problems really, possibley a lil nuteburn or overwatering but the fan leaves getting yellow and dying is completely normal for the stage of growth your in, your leaves are doing/looking pretty good for how far into flower you are. that one little red splotch on the middle of the one leaf is kind of odd though.

hat plant is covered in rust colored blotches. they're everywhere. it doesn't look THAT BAD but its still not good looking and obviously a nutrients issue.


Active Member
Hey DBO thanks for the comments!!

As i said in my first thread if you needed more info then have a little look at my journal, it should have everything you need!!
Also my bloom food is not much different in N from my veg/grow food its all from plagron and the girls are also in plagron royality mix soil!!
I know my leaves should be losing some colour now!!! its just the blotches etc that really worry me!!

GREENPEACE!!! Thanks mate!!! have notice that i may have a problem with my heater not working properly as hum and temp have been dodgey while the lights been off!!! humidity being quite high and i have been leaving the fans off!!!!
Have now put fan and outlet fan on 24/7 and will try to sort another heater!!!

Thanks Peeps!!!

Stay Strong!!!


Well-Known Member
sorry but im kind of lazy and dont feel like reading through the other post again......

have notice that i may have a problem with my heater not working properly as hum and temp have been dodgey while the lights been off!!! humidity being quite high and i have been leaving the fans off!!!!

just what is the temp during lights out? the heater is probally not needed and could possibley be doing alot more harm than good depending on the temps you have. and you really need to get the humidity down, the fans u added should help. just keep an eye on how much they help, if its really bad cuz the air thats being pulled in is kinda humid you may need to invest in a dehumidifier, i got mine for $20 at fleetfarm.


New Member
just what is the temp during lights out? the heater is probally not needed and could possibley be doing alot more harm than good depending on the temps you have. and you really need to get the humidity down, the fans u added should help. just keep an eye on how much they help, if its really bad cuz the air thats being pulled in is kinda humid you may need to invest in a dehumidifier, i got mine for $20 at fleetfarm.
agreed. temps may drop to 45-50 degrees or so during the night, but it is good to keep them around 60. I looked into it a bit with some free time and saw that a symptom like that may not be nutrient related, but I forget what condition it said does cause it.

I would think the heater is causing low humidity, which is a bad thing. But if you have low humidity problems and absolutely need the heater, put some water in a metal dish and place it atop the heater or in front of the heater, also a dish with perlite/water placed at the base of the plant will help with that. if I find that info again about those blotches I'll come back n post it.


Active Member
Nah this just popped up on 3 of my plants. I tried to over comisate for n deft with alittle to much fert. I looked in my bible and came to the cunclusion that it's not fungus or anything like it just flush and you should be good i'm in 6th week of flower. Good luck to yah


Well-Known Member
"I would think the heater is causing low humidity, which is a bad thing. But if you have low humidity problems and absolutely need the heater, put some water in a metal dish and place it atop the heater or in front of the heater, also a dish with perlite/water placed at the base of the plant will help with that. if I find that info again about those blotches I'll come back n post it."

during flowering you want low humidity unless you enjoy budrot/mold/mildew/etc for some odd reason.......his humidity doesnt need to be raised, it needs to be lowered, the humidity problem is its too high, not too low........


Well-Known Member
To me it looks like a classical nute burn, I've done this to my first indoor/nute grow

Low humidity ain't that bad actually, it beats high humidity no doubt, it seems your problem is not too advanced yet, maybe flush, leave on pure water for a few days, and measure the ph of the runoff water, in order to find exactly what ph you need to water with, if you're growing in soil, it is usually slightly acidic, around 5.5 ph, so if your nute solution is about 6.8 to 7 it will create the best medium for proper nute absorption for the plants

High humidity will cause buds to rot, a simple electric blower/heater will be good to both decrease humidity and keep temperatures from going too low, just tune it to kick in with the thermostat


New Member
I imagine with proper ventilation, fans, and a heater, humidity would be low.

Unless your in like florida or soemthing... my hum is 39% w/ DWC tent (outdoors its usually from 70% up) and an exhaust fan so maybe you need a dehumidifier or more air flow... hard 2 say. My bad I missed that one little sentence that says humidity is high.

and after lookin at the pic again it does look a lot like nute burn. do you meter your feeds?


Well-Known Member
Hey DBO thanks for the comments!!

As i said in my first thread if you needed more info then have a little look at my journal, it should have everything you need!!
Also my bloom food is not much different in N from my veg/grow food its all from plagron and the girls are also in plagron royality mix soil!!
I know my leaves should be losing some colour now!!! its just the blotches etc that really worry me!!

GREENPEACE!!! Thanks mate!!! have notice that i may have a problem with my heater not working properly as hum and temp have been dodgey while the lights been off!!! humidity being quite high and i have been leaving the fans off!!!!
Have now put fan and outlet fan on 24/7 and will try to sort another heater!!!

Thanks Peeps!!!

Stay Strong!!!
Yep, let us spend time searching for info so we can help you. Right.........


Active Member
Thanks Peeps!!!

My humidity was high for like a day or so and now ive got a humidify in there it keeps it at 45% which is what it roughly is when the light is on!!!
Temp at night is min- 19'c Temp in day max- 26'c
I flushed all the pots today with just 2 litres of water!!!(last time i flushed the pots 29/10/09 and again with 2 litres of water)

All the girls are in 5 litre pots!! which i know is a bit small really put when i started i thought they 7.5

The leaves look a bit worse again today!! i know it may take a day or two for the flush to show any results if in fact it is a nute burn issue but ive been reading my bible( or should i say Jorge Cervantes bible) and i came across Gray Mold(botrytis) which got me real worried! Could it be this???!!! I HOPE NOT!!!

Will get some new pics asap but its hard with my new job etc trying to get in before the lights go out!!
Please bare with me and i will try and provide you all with the info you need to help me out!!!

Stay Strong Peeps!!