6 weeks into flower - should I add molasses to my water?

Known Aim

New to site and growing. I’m 6 weeks into flower with “ice cream cake” strain. Was told to add molasses to water to make buds more dense. Is this good advice or will it just add sweetness to the soil and attract bugs? Is there anything you would recommend to add density to buds the last few weeks of flower that’s good and relatively cheap? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
It feeds Bacteria/fungi and if you did not supplement them then you are feeding and breeding pathogens.

Known Aim

I appreciate the info. Is it ever too late to supplement with fungi and bacteria? Meaning can I still supplement 6 weeks into flower or is this something that needs to be implemented in veg?

also can you recommend a good yet relatively cheap bacteria/fungi supplement that you’ve found to be beneficial to your grow?


Well-Known Member
How do your plants look? Are they healthy? If so leave them alone. Adding molasses isn't going to make the buds more dense. What's going to give you dense buds is a healthy environment, plenty of light, and healthy plants. If you go looking for magic in a bottle you're not going to find it. Looking for an additive to make your buds is the wrong way to grow. Growing healthy plants from start to finish is how you grow big dense buds and that doesn't require any expensive snake oil in a bottle.