6 weeks into flower serious problems. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
This is a grow my friend has. I handed it off to some guy from colo because i am to busy with my own. One thing i know he did i dont agree with is when transplanting he packed the hell out of the coco. Any ideas on the issue? Not every plant is doing this but seems like the ones that arent are showing early signs. Using heavy 16 nutes. Pix are having probs uploading


Well-Known Member
Some guys having serious problems with his plants whats wrong?? Really? Have you tried Ms. Cleo's psychic network at 1-800- doo t doo?
Well see its hard for me to help him since i have never had serious problems or really any problems with any plants i have grown. I kno there a lot of people here who have either had problems or have saw other people with problems so thought i would ask. I would have called the number u shared but my first thought was to dial your moms number she answered and we met and you already know what happened after that. Lets just say she had answers but they werent about plant problems.

Anyway here are pix.


The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Toxic salt build up? Hard to tell with the hps lighting. I have worked with heavy 16 before, it has everything they need, even micronutrients. I am guessing over fertilizing. Do you know how much/often he feeds? I have trimmed a crop like this before and the owner said it was from too many salts, this looks very similar.

Edit: I would suggest flushing with a chemical/salt remover, but its kind of late in bud.


Well-Known Member
Well see its hard for me to help him since i have never had serious problems or really any problems with any plants i have grown. I kno there a lot of people here who have either had problems or have saw other people with problems so thought i would ask. I would have called the number u shared but my first thought was to dial your moms number she answered and we met and you already know what happened after that. Lets just say she had answers but they werent about plant problems.

Anyway here are pix.
cool story bro

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
ooof.. extreme over fertilizing. packing the coco probably didnt help.

tell him to cut that shit down its not salvageable. wasting nutrients and electricity now. throw it in a big fire.
next step after that i'd tell him to go out and get a book on how to grow marijuana.
Damn, did you just get out of politics chat?

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
haha i guess it was a bit harsh.

in all seriousness OP should tell his friend to get an EC meter and start monitoring the EC of his feed and runoff.
If I can remember right, H16 is around 600ppm at 10ml/gal in RO (what it suggests for veg/early bud). Even at 15ml (the most it suggests), it is very hard to nutrient burn. I think this is a drainage problem also/mainly.


Well-Known Member
“ friends “ ... huh .

Well they looked jacked and fried as fuck. Did your “ friend “ crank ballast to 11 ? .
How close was the light ?

If you have the “ knowledge “ with grows as you state why not help him directly.
Just askin.


Well-Known Member
Toxic salt build up? Hard to tell with the hps lighting. I have worked with heavy 16 before, it has everything they need, even micronutrients. I am guessing over fertilizing. Do you know how much/often he feeds? I have trimmed a crop like this before and the owner said it was from too many salts, this looks very similar.

Edit: I would suggest flushing with a chemical/salt remover, but its kind of late in bud.
The hit every other day. With the coco being so tightly packed it is prob staying wet longer. He also said when he was finishing a 1 gal that came out of a 50 gal drum it had hard clumps. Now they are trying to blame the nutes but not every plant doin it. Leaves just dry yellow. Run off was hitting 4k ppm and they never actually flushed the plant. They think just watering with str8 ro water is flushing the plant. I told them to hit them with 3 times the pot size one time but they just continue wstering with ro water.
The supposed grower is blaming the nutes and is about to trash 50gal drums of heavy 16 and buying new. Smh. Im like i wont use it but i cant watch it get tossed. He dont want to accept responsibility for not knowing what he was doing like he tried to act. I helped them out few weeks to try to get them fixed up but the want you to do it all and not try to learn how. I had to quit helping because they wouldnt maintain the canopy or anything. Never grew weesd in his lifeand dropped 300 seeds. Lol


Well-Known Member
“ friends “ ... huh .

Well they looked jacked and fried as fuck. Did your “ friend “ crank ballast to 11 ? .
How close was the light ?

If you have the “ knowledge “ with grows as you state why not help him directly.
Just askin.
iLoli have knowledge but very little in the way of why plants are dying because i have never had problems like that. My first thought was bad bacteria in the roots because it was a few then few more but not even half of them. 6gallons of coco packed into a 5 gal pot with plants that was in veg for 5 months in 1 gal smartpot. Root ball was so hard when transplanting packed with all that coco getting watered every other day the coco not drying less o2 to the root. Smells weird in that flower room. I cant wait to they harvest so i can peel back that smart pot and looking at them slimy roots..


Well-Known Member
Light way up hig
“ friends “ ... huh .

Well they looked jacked and fried as fuck. Did your “ friend “ crank ballast to 11 ? .
How close was the light ?

If you have the “ knowledge “ with grows as you state why not help him directly.
Just askin.
Not close like 6ft


Well-Known Member
ooof.. extreme over fertilizing. packing the coco probably didnt help.

tell him to cut that shit down its not salvageable.
I try but the grower they had to haul in from colo to get these results says yield is gone but will be smokeable. Word is he ran some grow in colo and had been packing coco that tight without adding more perlite or anything. Roots are suffocating i bet.


Well-Known Member
ooof.. extreme over fertilizing. packing the coco probably didnt help.

tell him to cut that shit down its not salvageable.
Less than half of the plants eating the same stuff are havingvthis problem. I mean does anyone think it cant be root issues?


Well-Known Member
“ friends “ ... huh .

Well they looked jacked and fried as fuck. Did your “ friend “ crank ballast to 11 ? .
How close was the light ?
It almost sounds like u dont believe me? "Friend" yea or my bosses because i work for the construction company. Helped them with their grow for a while but 200$ for 5 hrs of me in the grow is not enough money imo. Almost cant pay me enough. Thats why im about to do it commercial

If you have the “ knowledge “ with grows as you state why not help him directly.
Just askin.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Well, first of all, I'm sure you know by now that this grow is toast. There's no saving it at this point, unless that genius from Colorado can invent a time machine and go back and do about a half dozen things completely differently. You say they vegged for 5 freakin' months? Why? Why did anyone think that was a good idea? I'm surprised they didn't all start to flower just from the stress of vegging that long in 6-inch pots.

I'll tell you what happened. By the time they up-potted, the plants (especially the root systems) were stressed to the breaking point from being packed into those tiny pots for so long. The root balls must have been as hard as rocks, with most of the roots dead and choking each other off. What they should have done was break up the outside edges of the root ball and loosen up the roots when they transplanted, but I'm going to bet they were too dumb to do that. (Although as I think about it, it might not have mattered. After 5 months of vegging in gallon pots, those roots were probably in terrible shape).

But anyway... between that and packing the new coco in as hard as they could (which completely defeats one of the main advantages of growing in coco), the root systems never developed. I'll bet if you pulled one of those plants, they'd come right up out of the pot with a solid 6-inch cube of roots at the bottom. It might have helped to use an enzyme product to break down the dead roots, but they probably didn't do that either.

Because there aren't enough healthy roots to take up nutrients, you're seeing salt buildup. Because the plants probably never did well after transplanting, they probably tried to compensate by overfertilizing (because they did everything else wrong; why not that, too?) That's why you're getting 4000 ppm runoff.

So you've got half-dead root systems packed into the middle of buckets of overpacked, soaking wet coco, with no oxygen or healthy root microbes, surrounded by a toxic brew of heavy fertilizers, and unable to to use any of the nutes because the roots aren't healthy and now they're nute-locked too. This is way too many problems to fix this far into flower. If they'd up-potted sooner (much sooner), broken up the outside of the rootballs, dusted them with Great White , Oregonism, or some similar product as they transplanted, packed the coco more loosely, used an enzyme product regularly, and followed a more intelligent watering and feeding process, they might have gotten a nice crop. But that's way too many things that should have been done differently, and it's too late to go back and do it again. Even flushing isn't going to do any good if the roots are as bad as I think they are; it'll just saturate that overpacked coco and promote rot.

I don't know where you guys live, but if you were close to me, I'd sure love to buy that guy's equipment when he sells it at 10 cents on the dollar next month!