6 Weeks Flowering - My Buds Are Behind Schedule


Well-Known Member
So I have a 4 plants scrog, 6 weeks flowering.
The strains are Skunk#1 and Ak48.
According to the description they should be finished in 2 weeks.

I checked some 250hps grow on youtube, and compared to them my buds are kinda behind.

Close up, they might look ok. But they are mostly still pop corn sized buds. The main colas in this scrog are about as large as fish sticks.

Its my first grow so i might be doing something wrong.
I was using Plagron Alga Grow until 2 weeks into flowering, then swtiched to Plagron Alga Bloom.

Any way i can improve this?



Active Member
uve overnuted ur plants and stunted there growth pal i think or its 2 hot by the looks of ur plants give a good flush and check temps


Active Member
also different strains give off different results and no grow is the same also u gotta remember they still got time id prob maybe give a flush just 2 see if it is nute burn


Active Member
the way ur plants leaves are got the hook like claw thing going on says over nuted do 1/4 of the recommended volume next time


Active Member
For a first time grower you are doing pretty good. Most on their first attempt dont make it thus far. It may be over nutz but its nothing to major. Give them a good flushing and take it from their. Try to keep check on temps if possible. I would feed straight water until the end. Comparing your grow to another guys is really comparing apples to oranges. Even with the same strain its redundant to compare. Your doing great and soon enough you will have some lovely bud you grew yourself on your first attempt. I say congrats m8!

One more note. Its common agenda for many breeders to falsify the true finishing times of their strains. The best way to tell for ripeness is to check with a hand held microscope and see just what stage your trichomes are at. Giving prudence to your environment each strain will finish accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info everybody.

High temps? I used to have very high temps, up to 33C, but then I got a cool tube before i switched to 12 12. Now my temps are within acceptable range, 27-29 C. (81-86F)

Alright, I might have over nuted my plants... very possible. As before I only used a teaspoon for measuring, and when I finally bought a measuring cup i found i gave about 2x too much... that happened about twice.
I'll try to flush them... only problem is its a srog... any tips on that?


Well-Known Member
They look fine to me, for your first grow I would say outstanding. I don't really agree with the over nute part, possibly a tad bit much soil moisture but nothing to be concerned about for sure. The main thing you need to realize is that the breeder's guide is just that a guide. Breeders control the grow and all conditions for the what they have learned about that strain, my grows usually go 2 to 4 weeks longer than what the guides say. Remember the breeder's guide is just like a packet of veggie seeds when they tell you how long till you get to eat, don't take as hard fact just a "if everything is perfect to their growing conditions".
Just be patient, that is the true virtue of growing.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
They look fine to me, for your first grow I would say outstanding. I don't really agree with the over nute part, possibly a tad bit much soil moisture but nothing to be concerned about for sure. The main thing you need to realize is that the breeder's guide is just that a guide. Breeders control the grow and all conditions for the what they have learned about that strain, my grows usually go 2 to 4 weeks longer than what the guides say. Remember the breeder's guide is just like a packet of veggie seeds when they tell you how long till you get to eat, don't take as hard fact just a "if everything is perfect to their growing conditions".
Just be patient, that is the true virtue of growing.
Good Luck
thanks canefan! i wished i can be as optimistic as you...
So they will have to go a bit longer then, ok no biggie. Just as long as the buds will grow larger, ill be happy =)


Well-Known Member
Hey greenops, honestly you could have changed the name of the post to "check out my beautiful 6 week old buds" and I wouldn't have had even thought they looked behind. BTW, I've grown Skunk #1 before and toward the last 3 weeks of flowering it swells like a mothafucka. Seriously my favorite strain ever and you'll see why. enjoy.


Well-Known Member
lol thanks!

I was mainly worried about the size of the buds. You see the close up shots and they might look OK, but in reality theyre still pop corn sized, the biggest buds are almost nugget sized. When I checked out youtube for 250 hps grows, some had well developed colas in their 6th week.

Thats why i was wondering if mine are stunned or something.

So its wait and see i guess.


Well-Known Member
leaves turning yellow? is it maturing or some deficiency?

I know that yellowing of leaves can be normal when the plants are almost done.
But many of you suggested, that based on the buds size, i have to let the flower a bit longer...and i agree.

So what else can this be?



Well-Known Member
I have found during flower when you need a bump on the plants with some N, fish emulision is a great solution. Only rated usually at 5-1-1, this is a good additon to anything else you are feeding her without over doing. Also, great for foliar feeding in veg and especially during stretch on multi cola plants.
good luck


looks like lockout check ya run off ph,< bet ya locked out>. up ph or lower ph just check run of 6.6 good for soil good luck