6 weeks 12/12 Advice Needed


Active Member
So the tall plants white hairs are like at most 25% turning color what do you think this means is it a longer flowering strainand the buds are not swelling up like the other plant either? My other plant im for sure it will be ready for harvest at the end of the month its packed full of trichs. and most hairs have changed color. Im just in need of advice I dont know what strain the tall one could be and dont want to cut it down the same time I harvest the small one if its not ready... Thanks for all the help Og


Well-Known Member
the taller plant probably just needs more time. alot of plants calyxes swell up in the later weeks of flowering. The longer flowering time could just be due to a sativa influence, but it could also just be some bad genetics in that particular plant. How many weeks into flowering is it? I'd jsut keep and eyes on the trichs, and keep and eye out for new bud growth.


Active Member
I started 12/12 on 4/20 first week or two preflowers formed the several calyxs started latley it just seems like no new growth the leaves surrounding the buds are so small its hard to see the trichs they dont really even look fully formed when viewed at after60x and 100x magnified. But i will wait it out should i still be giving the tall plant nutes or just pure water. Thanks farmer


Well-Known Member
it could still have a few more weeks. Are the leaves fading to a light green? If so, i'd give it another mild dose of nutes and see if it puts on any new growth. after that i'd definitely just go with straight water. snip a popcorn bud if u have to, trim it up a bit, and see if u can get a better look at the trichs


Active Member
Ya leaves are fading ill post some pics of them tonight there are no more fan leaves left they all turned yellow and fell off the only leaves now left on the plant are the ones surrounding the buds... Ill check a popcorn bud tonight thanks Og


Well-Known Member
no problem man, it could've been nitrogen deficient if it was dropping all of its leaves like that and it's not looking ready still. try to take some pictures with regular lighting, its just a lot easier to see the true colors.


Active Member
Here are some pictures of the taller plant. I have just been giving it only water and some white hairs are starting to change color. The buds were starting to fall over and sag so im guessing they are putting on weight they dont look like they are starting to swell and am not seeing any new growth. The pots are starting to feel light so im gonna water them tonight does it look like the taller plant needs another feeding with nutes or should I just continue with plain water??? Thanks Og



Well-Known Member
damn man, it looks like it could use another feeding by seeing all those white pistils pumping out all over the place. do you have a time constriction on this grow? honestly, i'd keep feeding plain water at this point. they're almost 9 weeks today, so it should be done within the next two weeks i'd assume.


Active Member
No time constriction im planning on moving out of my house but im waiting till I have both plants in jars curing before I move. I dont think I will give the plant any nutes I do hope the buds swell up with just the water. I see alot of people ask this question but how much do you think I will harvest on each plant wet or dry wieght. It might be a stupid question I just wanna see what everys guess.


Active Member
OG ur leaves r gonna turn colour and fall off its ending its life bro...The shorter 1 looks to be done to me personally and the taller 1 needs 1-2 weeks just water...JMO..GL boss


Well-Known Member
they Look real good. Common for leaves to fall, due to life cycle. Wait a couple more weeks to get the most amber color or cloudy which ever you perfer. Keep the humidity down to a min. No moisture will promote more resin. No more nuter strickly water flush them plants out will taste alot better. Good luck


Active Member
I have 2 fans other than the fans for ventilation... A dehumidifyer is not an option at the moment maybe next grow not trying to be cheap just trying to keep my money saved for my next rental.


Well-Known Member
Yep best thing dehumidifier or exhaust fans, if using fans make sure they are not blowing on the plants, Just as a exhaust to remove moisture and hot air.


Active Member
shit I have had an oscilating fan blowing on the plants is this bad its really close to the plants ill add another booster fan to help exhaust thanks