6 Week Flower


Well-Known Member
This is an update on my G13 Haze, have 2 of them out of 4 in my armoire. 8 weeks of veg now on my 6th week of flowering. Looking kind of spindly, but they're doing great other than a little thrip problem which I am sufficing with a few ladybugs and some home made organic spray. About another 1 or 2 weeks for flowering then they will be ready.

This is my third grow, so far so good. Using CFL's. My 4th I shall SOG with a larger cabinet or a tent.




Well-Known Member
They are 36" & 39" tall, but I am checking them every hour for infestation during this time. The thrips seems to be little buggers, got me some organic spray which is holding them at bay, just hope they don't get into my buds