6 weed old indica


how does it look?downsized_0616002127a.jpgdownsized_0616002127.jpg she's my first grow...well second, the others outside but it kinda fell over O__O. but that was when it was like 4 weeks. this ones going outside soon. I just FIMed it and transplanted it. Im gonna put a wood crate over it at 730 at night and take it off at 730 in the morning. NY. hows tht sound?


looks a little over watered noob here but pretty sure thats what it is tinfoil no good loss of lumens and 6 weeks????? ill show you mine at 6 weeks

2010-05-24 10.58.02.jpg2010-05-24 10.59.19.jpg
2010-05-24 10.59.03.jpg


how often do you water??? soil mixture couple diff things that can stunt growth even with those two bulbs they should be a little bigger


i heard not to worrie about gettin bud on first grow but dam i want to get high off what im growin and are you growin just bag seed or fem seed doubt its a clone???


i water like every 3 days. and its a bag seed. it's actually 2 days short of 6 weeks. but yeah lol. im pretty disapponted with it cuz i see other plants that are huge compared to mine. is there ne thing i can do to increase it's growth?


first bro you need to put it in a new soil mixture out side or new pot if keepin it inside more perlite needs good air to the roots grow it a foot before 12/12 then you might get a good oz or two if your lucky you need to know the sex before even thinkin about a yeild boys no go in your case if thats what you got grow it and learn stress and training techs on it and start again and hope for the girls. for me i got 3 girls and 2 boys then one turned into a hermy


its a female. i can tell by it's preflowers. and yeah alaskan fish fert. you think i could get 1/2 a ounce out of it?


dude plant more and put them outside. thats the only way i see you getting anything at all. some people just dont have a green thumb. you'd be better off workin for some cash to buy a bag than workin on your plant..lol


Well-Known Member
i heard not to worrie about gettin bud on first grow but dam i want to get high off what im growin
+1, make your focus learning how to garden and how to read your plant/ give them the ideal conditions they are begginf for. Learn what those are and make it happen. You are gonna have to upgrade lights if you want anything over meager. The things that apply to MJ plants carry over (ideally the other way around) to gardening practices. Its gotta be enjoyable. Start a garden, but make your inside plants your pride and joy.

(fyi...the sun trumps any man made light for shizzle, well maybe not the new sulfur plasma hids)