6 to 7 week male turned to blender hash


well this is my first post i just wanted to answer a question iv seen everywhere....
(can i get hash from a male plant?) the answer is yes! now granted it didnot produce a lot and it was a green hash:leaf: it made a nice pinch wich was good enough tho i can honestly say i was stoned! i was workin with a freshley identified male about 6 weeks old had defined "balls" on him i followed the blender hash method i found on some web site and if anyone has done this let me know how it worked for u i was pleasently suprised:-P:clap:


Lol wen you do make shure you post your results. I should have wieghed how much plant was there and how much it produced, but it was a male 12 inches tall and surpisingly bushy i was shure he was gonna be a she! Thats how sh*t goes tho but he got me stoned not just a buzz like smoking leaves i was feelin good....