6 plant set up. help needed!!


Active Member
I have a few ??s

My seedlings are young about 3 & 1/2 weeks, just transplanted from rockwool cubes to hydro/aero mist setup.
I have 6. 4 are showing the symptoms of nute burn. The tips look burned. and growth seems sluggish, maybe they were just transplanted to young though. Also one plant seems to be droopy like over watering. The first nute solution was high around 1200 ppm. A couple days later,5 days to be exact, i realized that 1200 was to much, did i mention this is my first grow? THe ph was high at first too around 6.5-7.0.

room temp-78-80F, humidty-not sure probably low though, dry a/c air.
I changed the res. and now running 580-600ppm, the ph is 5.8-6.0. Im using a soil ph tester which i think is useless, it was 5 bucks, you get what you pay for. I am going to buy a good ph/temp meter tomorrow.

Its been maybe a few days since i changed the resevoir and i dont see changes. just seeing a little more brown tips. On some plants its on the lower older leaves and some its in the new.

I was wondering if i should just run straight water for a week in the res. then slowy add nutrients? ANY ADVICE would be much appreciated, my plants would love you too!!!

Could you help please!!??

ALso some info, im using GH, micro,bloom, and flora nectar regular. is that a good mix? any reccomendations on GH mixes for veg and flower that get you better yields and flavor with or using something else??

sorry no pics yet, new to site, will post soon but please dont hesisitate to help! thanks


Well-Known Member
hey I'm a noob too but that certainly sounds like too much nutrients for such a young plant . I use sensi grow and if I followed their feeding schedule my plants would be fried, good luck with your problems.


Active Member
Thanks. Yeah i thought GH's feeding schedule was a little strong, but i learned the hard way. I did lower the ppm down to 580-600. is that still to high?

Please more advice is needed ! Thanks !!