6% of democrats in florida are voting for trump

this is among those who have ALREADY VOTED in the state of florida, a state which trump cannot afford to lose.

that's the good news for trumptards. the bad news?

28% of republicans in florida are voting for hillary.


she is leading the early vote with 53% of the vote among those who have already voted.

trump has no chance to get to 270 without florida.

no link yet, just wait for it, fellas.

Oops! You fail. Again!
Florida GOP voters cast 17,000 more votes than Democrats six days before election.
Florida GOP voters cast 17,000 more votes than Democrats six days before election.

and according to this scientific polling, 28% of those GOP voters submitted their ballots for clinton.

according to the stats you just cited, hillary is doing better than obama in florida so far.

i know you don't believe in facts, like manmade global warming, but at least try them sometime. facts will help you not look stupid.
That means blacks were oversampled in polls this election. CNN thought it would be the same turnout as 2012. I wonder how many other things they are wrong about..

lol, oh I know, it was a rhetorical question.

But still, why would blacks show up to vote for Obama but not Hillary. Its gotta be policy, yup, I'm sure of it, they just dont agree with her policy as much as his, because I'm sure all blacks understood as they cast their vote for Obama exactly what he was all about. Im sure there weren't any other influencing factors that got them out there voting...
which ones? the slave-owner ones? the rich ones who came over to avoid taxes? or the ones that had sex with underage slaves that created a traceable bloodline? pre-FDR history embarrasses me.

Yes yes, the evil ones that solidified that all men are created equal thus putting slavery in a moral light the world had never seen before.

Did you know FDR's first appointment to the Supreme Court was Hugo Black who was a life member of the KKK?
How about FDR's choice for VP, Harry Truman, who joined the KKK in Kansas City in 1922.
Did FDR not resist integration of the armed forces?

So you admire a racist, good job.
Yes yes, the evil ones that solidified that all men are created equal thus putting slavery in a moral light the world had never seen before.

Did you know FDR's first appointment to the Supreme Court was Hugo Black who was a life member of the KKK?
How about FDR's choice for VP, Harry Truman, who joined the KKK in Kansas City in 1922.
Did FDR not resist integration of the armed forces?

So you admire a racist, good job.

You're understanding of history is pathetic. The southern party bosses snuck Truman in there over VP Wallace because they didn't like his views of equal rights. They got him in while FDR was too sick to be at the convention, behind his back.

But you're too ignorant to even know that.

What party attracts the modern racists like you?
You're understanding of history is pathetic. The southern party bosses snuck Truman in there over VP Wallace because they didn't like his views of equal rights. They got him in while FDR was too sick to be at the convention, behind his back.

But you're too ignorant to even know that.

What party attracts the modern racists like you?

Well there's one lie to counter point#2.

You still have points #1 and #3 to try and lie about. Your awesome hero was a racist, does that sting a little?
Hey, @tangerinegreen555, did you know that jim crow laws in the south were based on the already existing black codes in the north, written by such upstanding northern democrats such as yourself and Bunk?

Why did ya'll lead by such a terrible example? Is that why your party became posers of the southern radical republicans?
a life member of the KKK

not true. close but no cigar as usual.
However, Black's affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan was ephemeral and irrelevant to his political career. After becoming a member of the Klan on September 13, 1923, he marched in a few parades and spoke in meetings. His speeches were mainly on liberty, and he stressed to the more belligerent members of the Klan that it should be a law-abiding organization; thus, he emphasized, activities such as whipping should not be tolerated. Even the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan clarified that Black was neither a Klansman nor a sympathizer. Nonetheless, in September and October, Black's KKK involvement hung like a shadow over Roosevelt. Black admitted that although he had indeed been a member, his membership was short and trifling, and he did not consider himself a Klansman. Black's resolute statement regarding his involvement, as well as the public's fearof war commencing in Japan took the spotlight off Justice Black. The controversy soon subsided as the War Scareovershadowed FDR's domestic problems.

Despite the initial concern over Black's troubling history as a Klan member, his service as Justice proved he was the antithesis of a bigot. He rejected the attempts of states to impede federal legislation in labor relations, racial segregation, and wartime peace. His service proved that he was, in fact, a champion of minority rights, further dispelling the notion that he was, even if just for a moment, a Klansman. Black retired in 1971 after a long and impressive career as a United States Supreme Court Justice, indeed a great mind after all
not true. close but no cigar as usual.
However, Black's affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan was ephemeral and irrelevant to his political career. After becoming a member of the Klan on September 13, 1923, he marched in a few parades and spoke in meetings. His speeches were mainly on liberty, and he stressed to the more belligerent members of the Klan that it should be a law-abiding organization; thus, he emphasized, activities such as whipping should not be tolerated. Even the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan clarified that Black was neither a Klansman nor a sympathizer. Nonetheless, in September and October, Black's KKK involvement hung like a shadow over Roosevelt. Black admitted that although he had indeed been a member, his membership was short and trifling, and he did not consider himself a Klansman. Black's resolute statement regarding his involvement, as well as the public's fearof war commencing in Japan took the spotlight off Justice Black. The controversy soon subsided as the War Scareovershadowed FDR's domestic problems.

Despite the initial concern over Black's troubling history as a Klan member, his service as Justice proved he was the antithesis of a bigot. He rejected the attempts of states to impede federal legislation in labor relations, racial segregation, and wartime peace. His service proved that he was, in fact, a champion of minority rights, further dispelling the notion that he was, even if just for a moment, a Klansman. Black retired in 1971 after a long and impressive career as a United States Supreme Court Justice, indeed a great mind after all

plagiarized from http://www.nisk.k12.ny.us/fdr/ideas/portfolio/vandersee/vandersee.html

I don't know, now there is plagiarism in the midst of these posts, is plagiarism a desirable trait to justify anything in your opinion?

I see your point though, FDR would hire any deplorable that would go along with and support the New Deal, even KKK members.
plagiarized from http://www.nisk.k12.ny.us/fdr/ideas/portfolio/vandersee/vandersee.html

I don't know, now there is plagiarism in the midst of these posts, is plagiarism a desirable trait to justify anything in your opinion?

I see your point though, FDR would hire any deplorable that would go along with and support the New Deal, even KKK members.

sorry chief, this ain't college, not that you've ever been. you want the source, you figure it out on your own.

you are OK with lying, just not plagiarism? cause Mr Black was never a "lifelong" member of the KKK.
just curious how this election will turn out now that it's been confirmed that the clintons have been selling influence through the clinton global initiative (confirmed through CNN? no. just read the podesta emails, you CAN learn and have an opinion without mainstream media telling you...)

and again i think they're both awful choices for president, won't be voting for either, but this certainly shakes things up a bit.

will tim kaine be our president? god help us lol
that is indeed a great example. don't make the mistake of thinking a slam on hillary = praise for trump. they both play dirty for personal gain and the world needs less of that.
that is indeed a great example. don't make the mistake of thinking a slam on hillary = praise for trump. they both play dirty for personal gain and the world needs less of that.

all politicians are out for the money. take the money out of politics.
totally agree - donated and voted for bernie, tried my best lol

will be giving my vote to jill stein in hopes of the green party breaking 5%