6-Benzylaminopurine For Cannabis?

I want to spray my plants last week wit 300 ppm 6-benzlaminopurine (6-bap ) . You guys think that i can see the different of am i too late for it to get more yield ? When is the best time to spray them and what must be ph of spray medium ? After i spray them, when is it safe time to goto in the room where plants are ? Do soemoene know the answers of those questions ? thank you .
i don't think you'll see much results in one week. it takes a little time for the plant to absorb it and kick into "overdrive", it took about 5 days before i started to see ant real results, long enough i was thinking about double dosing when it started up. i just use ro water thats about 7 ph. tria likes higher ph but as far as im aware brass and bap don't care. i like to spray in the morning, because the stomata are open during the day, but thats a personal preference. it's safe to go in when the plants dry. i think thats also too high as ppm. i read, probably the same thread you have, where they're using 300, but if you read on, they were having toxicity problems that showed up later, they started using 100ppm or less with good results
Growerone's is inncorrect don't follow that. Those of you that have some formal education im chemistry aond or biology. Should have no problem doing this. Use an aprodic organic solevent like dmso to dissolve the solute (6-bap) then serial dilute with water. You should be able to calculate all od those numbers. Those of you that can't. Tough shit you shouldn't be messing with NaOH or my solevent of choice DMSO both are dangerous. One can burn you and the other is a transdermal compound that will didsolve anything with a carbon bound to it and suck it right into you blood stream if it makes contact with your skin.
This is kinda an older thread, but I was hoping to see others with experience. My first test was bunk, but I plan on re-testing with non-foliar application.

September 7th-14th
10% dose of 6-benzylaminopurine to 3 cannabis plants.
September 14-21th:
100% dose of 6-benzylaminopurine to 3 cannabis plants.
September 21-28th:
100% dose of 6-benzylaminopurine to 3 cannabis plants.
Part 1, I'm using ~100mg of 6-benzylaminopurine (disolved in Potassium Hydroxide 35%), to ~1000mL (1L) of distilled water. Foliar spray only, and only in Veg room.
Part 2 is a video update on the 24th, of how the dose of 1g 6-BA to .15ml Potassium Hydroxide, then mixed into 1000ml of distilled water, effected my leaves in 17 days.

While I have noticed a slight difference in growth, I'm not convinced Potassium Hydroxide is the best method to disolve the 6-BA, if applied foliar. Leaves are drying up as if pH is a serious issue.
Part 3 is a video update on the October 22nd, of how the dose of 1g 6-BA to .15ml Potassium Hydroxide, then mixed into 1000ml of distilled water, effected my leaves. They've have 3 treatments, over 28days, and 24 days recovery.

The roots look un-effected. As the video moves up, you'll see the burnt leaves from the spray. I did occasionally pull the leaves, but most were left on to show the camera. The top growth shows great improvement.

Again, while I have noticed a slight difference in growth, I'm not convinced Potassium Hydroxide is the best method to disolve the 6-BA, if applied foliar. If I retest 6-BA in the future, I'll be using a different method to disolve it.

pH is a serious issue with this method. Anyone who has text these test on cannabis, please get back to me.

i emailed the seller and asked them about it, as i had read there were different types and i didn't want to deal with any caustic substances. this has apparently been buffered or chellated some how to break down in alcohol. as i said before, i'm not sure this is the best method, but i'm not afraid of dissolving my eyeballs with it
So i made 300ppm solution using pH up and dmso for good measure. I also mixed in 25ppm water soluble 1.5% triacontanol (too expensive next time ima go higher and just use solvent). I also used 50ppm salicylic acid i dissolved in warm isopropyl to get ph under 7. Sprayed this arcata train wreck yesterday.
It's not dead right now...
triacontanol for overall vigor.
brassinoids for root growth, larger leaves, and thicker longer stems.
bap for bushiness and to stop stretching.
if you plan to use it during flower, be aware it works better with brassinoid, and it will STOP stretch, so let the plant stretch to where you want it before you use it, or you could get a midget. i'm still experimenting myself, i'm getting good results with .1 ppm brass and 50 ppm bap. i spray at week 4 or w/e you want to to stop stretching, then again a week later. i'm actually planning on a 3rd spraying in another week. i read so many conflicting things people do, conflicting amounts, schedules. i'm really kind of winging it using info from 4 or 5 different threads, including the one you're talking about on ICMAG
Hi Roger did you ever find the perfect ppm to spray for bap?

Do you spray in week 4, 5 and 6?

i was told by the guy that sold it to me
5ml isopropanol and half gram 6 BA mix till dissolved. Then add drop by drop for 10ppm. Do not go over 10ppm
I want to spray my plants last week wit 300 ppm 6-benzlaminopurine (6-bap ) . You guys think that i can see the different of am i too late for it to get more yield ? When is the best time to spray them and what must be ph of spray medium ? After i spray them, when is it safe time to goto in the room where plants are ? Do soemoene know the answers of those questions ? thank you .
Hey mate how did you get on with 300ppm? Did you find the perfect ppm to spray and what week to spray?
Hi Roger did you ever find the perfect ppm to spray for bap?

Do you spray in week 4, 5 and 6?

i was told by the guy that sold it to me
5ml isopropanol and half gram 6 BA mix till dissolved. Then add drop by drop for 10ppm. Do not go over 10ppm
i used it at 50ppm, and didn't have a set time to spray, i just sprayed them when they were almost as tall as i wanted them to get, then again a week later. i tried giving them a third spray and it didn't seem to make that big a difference
i used it at 50ppm, and didn't have a set time to spray, i just sprayed them when they were almost as tall as i wanted them to get, then again a week later. i tried giving them a third spray and it didn't seem to make that big a difference
Awesome that fantastic Did the bap effect the flavors at the end at all?

Im also going to try NAA in weeks 1/2/3
did you experiment with that as well? What ppm foliar would you say for NAA?
Awesome that fantastic Did the bap effect the flavors at the end at all?

Im also going to try NAA in weeks 1/2/3
did you experiment with that as well? What ppm foliar would you say for NAA?
i never noticed a change in the taste or smell, the plants i treated were a little larger and healthier looking than the ones i didn't, but not enough to justify continued use to me.
i never used naa, my arsenal was tria, 6bap, brassinolide, gibb, and iba-k for rooting...i end up using that stuff a lot more in my garden outside than i do inside anymore, gibb can make pumpkins grow crazy big