6 400,s 4 Flood Tables Perpetual


Well-Known Member
Looking good man!

One thing im thinking is you may not get the super yield due to the fact there
Not started in the bucket but i could be rong, you have a scrubber running in there?
And if you dont mind can you break down your cooling systems, im fighting heat
And RH and looking for ideas
thanks man and i gotta agree with you on the yield, i highly doubt the yield for these ones is going to be even close to high lol they are real lanky from fighting it out in the tray but figured i could learn the system with these ones so when the next batch comes in im real familiar with the process.

for the cooling i have my carbon filter hooked up to the end of my lights (i will take a pic) and venting to the outside. my carbon filter is quite small its only rated for 400cfm but is ok for my lights now but when i go to 600's im going to need a bigger fan and filter im thinking. also the house has two refrigerated air units (one for upstairs and one for down) so this helps allot to, the room fluctuates between 75-80 with the lights on might have some issues myself when the light upgrade comes after this harvest.



Well-Known Member
thanks man and i gotta agree with you on the yield, i highly doubt the yield for these ones is going to be even close to high lol they are real lanky from fighting it out in the tray but figured i could learn the system with these ones so when the next batch comes in im real familiar with the process.

for the cooling i have my carbon filter hooked up to the end of my lights (i will take a pic) and venting to the outside. my carbon filter is quite small its only rated for 400cfm but is ok for my lights now but when i go to 600's im going to need a bigger fan and filter im thinking. also the house has two refrigerated air units (one for upstairs and one for down) so this helps allot to, the room fluctuates between 75-80 with the lights on might have some issues myself when the light upgrade comes after this harvest.
I think it helps that your room is bigger than the growing space under the lights so heat issues are in essence diluted into the rest of the room, you will probably only have to bump up to a 5 inch or 6 just for making sure if you want. Looking good none the less.


Well-Known Member
ya and im pretty sure 90% of the heat generated is due to the 6 magnetic ballast's i have in there, when i switch to digi's im thinking the heat may go down considerably. so maybe having 6 600's with digi's will equal out to 6 400's with magnetics heat wise anyway, not sure but there is only one way to find out. i think you are right though the room is 14x16 but im only using 7x12 of it to grow in and also my thermometer is on the ceiling where or course hot air is going to sit so it may be cooler on the ground then the temp displayed, i also have 2 16" fans constantly moving air amongst the room so that prably helps as well.
i really love my digital ballast, its really not hot at all...i had a great deal on a ACE one and it works super great

i really love your grow man, very esthetic



Well-Known Member
got a few pics the big bubba is really starting to take off as well as the others in the ebb and grow pots flowers are coming along nicely getting pretty fat. i am still very curious about this bubba monster in yields looking like she might actually produce some decent sized colas.


J. Smoker

Active Member
got a few pics the big bubba is really starting to take off as well as the others in the ebb and grow pots flowers are coming along nicely getting pretty fat. i am still very curious about this bubba monster in yields looking like she might actually produce some decent sized colas.
No doubt, with all those bud sites you definetly should have a nice harvest.


Well-Known Member
ok so i got a few more pics on, the big bubba has had a massive branch taken off on accident (my fault walking by her to water) but she seems to still be healthy and filling in nicely. i have never flowered a bubba this large but it appears she is actually forming colas rather than smaller budes which i am very surprised at, the ww is HUGE as well and already filling with flowers. also the smaller bubbas have really seem to have taken off and im pretty happy with the production so far (for a 2 week veg).

White Widow (2 weeks in flower 5 gal bubble bucket)

Big Bubba (3 weeks in flower 5 gal hempy bucket)

SOG Bubbas (4 weeks in flower ebb and grow)




Well-Known Member
looking good hows the ebb going? any issues?
absolutely beautifully this system is the shit i really like it already did a res change and it was so easy. the ph was crazy for the first res but now it seems to be very stable now (no ph down on day 3 of new res). i really cant wait for my new clones to go in im doing some lst on them to keep them short so the 400's dont have to penetrate the canopy to much.


Rebel From The North
im using the gh flora on the lucas formula for now 8-16 m-b and use liquid kool bloom twords the end of flower, seems to be working great for now.
One thing you could add and im completly sold on it is GHs dimond nectar pinaple rush
This stuff when added makes your res water smell like pinaples lol bbut ive seem better
Swelling and crystal production.


Well-Known Member
One thing you could add and im completly sold on it is GHs dimond nectar pinaple rush
This stuff when added makes your res water smell like pinaples lol bbut ive seem better
Swelling and crystal production.
I was wondering about the dimond nector I was almost going to buy it and didn't, now that you mention it I think I'm going to give it a try do you add it to with the cool bloom or through out flower in general?


Well-Known Member
i also run gh micro/grow/bloom but by there feeding schedule. i just bought using florablend and floralicious plus. i was looking into nectar but didnt really understand what it does.. care to shed some light on me??
nectar is sugar correct? molasses? and that increases taste i would presume? floralicious plus says it increases colors, taste and yield.... see my confusion...?


Well-Known Member
it can be done ether way this is one of the only ways to have it set in a room of this size, if i find another way i might change it around but for now its working good.
Lookin good,i run much the same set up as yours only a tad larger scale,we run 8 4x8 bud tables set up one week apart for a harvest every 5-9 days,we run 3 600 watters per table and air cool the lights using a push/pull configuration with a fan inbetween each light.

When i set the room up we decided to make every efforf to have maximum performance & efficency out of all the equipment,we also made a commitment to making the bulk of our very large electric costs go twords lighting & not spend alot on cooling the lights or the room,this meant a shit ton of testing every component in every possible scenario,then recording the resluts for comparison before settling on a final set up.

Running a push/pull configuration where the fan is doing double duty in pulling hot air as well as pushing hot air is without a doubt the most cost effective & efficient way we found,which translated in a much cooler room.

If you own the bldg you grow in you can go geothermal on the res & eleminate the need for external cooling on the res durring the hot months ,we did it with all of our res's & eleminated all the chillers which saved us between $300-$500 a month on electric costs.