5x5 grow setup


Well-Known Member
1 600w is a great 4x4 and good for a 5x5

so yes u will do fine but u will get some fluffy buds on the edge of the 5x5 that one foot
sir...how many plant do I dare grow in that space....your knowledge would help me greatly
1 600w is a great 4x4 and good for a 5x5

so yes u will do fine but u will get some fluffy buds on the edge of the 5x5 that one foot
sir,how many plants is possible in that space max...say 6 ???? idk....scrog? to get most out of light? I want poundage..asap...lol...thinking critical mass,pineapple chunk....like I said...have one 600w....its possible,right?


Well-Known Member

I'd go with a 48" dual bulb cool tube, ..run (2) 600's...I believe there are companies that make ballasts that will drive 1200W or pretty damn close. I'd just run 2 600W ballasts. 2 6" exhaust fans, one for the lights, one for the room, run on dimmers if needed. A couple clip on fans, if you can get an oscillating clip on get one of those or a small oscillating desk fan.
48" dual bulb cool tube link:


Well-Known Member
sir, can 1 600 w hps in bootleg grow closet like 5 by 5 ....give half the yields your talking about??,,,,once I get dialed in right??? temp/rh/exh/vent???? can u help me guess whats plausible with one 600w ????? ty ty
One 600w in a 5x5 will do okay... i would think probably around half of a 1000w... maybe a little more if your skills are honed...


Well-Known Member
sir...how many plant do I dare grow in that space....your knowledge would help me greatly

sir,how many plants is possible in that space max...say 6 ???? idk....scrog? to get most out of light? I want poundage..asap...lol...thinking critical mass,pineapple chunk....like I said...have one 600w....its possible,right?
depends on the plant size stuff under 120 grams total u can do 5/6 plants above 121 4 plants in a 4x4 (but that is pushing it )

think footprint
little plants need 1 to 1.5 feet (1x1 or 1.5x1.5)
big plants need 2 to 3 feet (2x2 or 3x3)