5x Dj short's Blueberries..Completely dedicated to our member 'eastcoastmo'

Rent or buy? Find an isolated location with few neighbors or next to a location where nobody goes. If you want to do indoor - get something in an industrial neighborhood where they are converting warehouses into residences. Somewhere stinky is good because the rent/price will be low and nobody will notice your odors.
Yeah bro, hempy is exactly that. Juat make sure the hole is covered with something plastic and not metal as the metal will react with the nutes and cause issues.
With a house mate, yeah i spend just over 1/3 of my salary on rent, almost 1/2 hey, but it is fuckin expensive where i am. As for growing there, just look for a yard with good sunlight but covered from the neighbours. Inside its what ever you feel you can get away with, cupboards or even a garage :)
Sweet man, cant wait to see the blueberries too :-D

I'll be indoors.Outdoors..man it's too risky and definitely not forgiving if anyone gets busted .I'd do it on a mountain,but not somewhere where someone might recognise a ladies-only garden..I'm looking for a decent place right now..Everything close to where i live is pretty expensive and more than a half of my salary,or way too small(to co-exist with plants) and affordable..from 25 to 30 square meter.i'm a little distactic on finding a bigger and more expensive place since unemployment is very very high right now,and i don't think i can base my income on something not so sure as growing..
Rent or buy? Find an isolated location with few neighbors or next to a location where nobody goes. If you want to do indoor - get something in an industrial neighborhood where they are converting warehouses into residences. Somewhere stinky is good because the rent/price will be low and nobody will notice your odors.

I'm thinking both.I'd definitely prefer to buy something .I wouldn't have to deal with any dickhead landlord who will come asking why am i hanging a painting ,or fixing the windows he was supposed to fix 2 weeks ago..I've been saving some money ,but it will probably suffice for 1/6 of the amount needed..maybe less! I live in the suburbs,and yeah it's expensive but things were a lot different 3 years ago_Our salaries/pensions fell up to 50%,and in some cases maybe more..
I was thinking the same..moving into an industrial area,where houses are far from each other.That's a plus,but i'd be losing every person i'm sharing my goods with because the closest place i could do that would be at least 30km away..so there is really no profit to it..Also,i'd have to get a new job,which is practically impossible in this messed up country i live :D
Renting a place closeby to do that ? Does that sound like a good idea ? I 'd be sealing everything ..no odors or light will come out.
I bet you could find customers in your new location. Start a lunch truck. Can you cook? Start simple with Grilled cheese (with nice cheeses) or Fish and Chips with some cool twist like spicy hot peppers or rice bowls. Keep it simple and fast and they can order a "green burrito" on the side. Find a garage for keeping the truck and live there on the sly with a nice grow.
I bet you could find customers in your new location. Start a lunch truck. Can you cook? Start simple with Grilled cheese (with nice cheeses) or Fish and Chips with some cool twist like spicy hot peppers or rice bowls. Keep it simple and fast and they can order a "green burrito" on the side. Find a garage for keeping the truck and live there on the sly with a nice grow.
Oh man.That sounds like afroman's cool ice cream truck @ ~01.30 ->
The idea rocks mate,and i think i can cook tastier than my mother does,when i feel like cooking..heh :D.A small business like that could work.It might be profitable too!i don't really know what do i need to start it but,i'll sure check it out.How do you propose a burrito like that mate.... :D ? Also isn't it a little risky,if anyone of them decides he wants to take over the green business ? i had a friend 4-5 years ago busted cause someone was jealous or wanted to work..they knew the exact day/time/etc.He didn't do time,but he almost lost his car and probably near 3.000$ in fines and laywers..
Fortunately enough,my landlords never had to visit my rooms..they did get inside the living room couple times but with 2 doors closed,the sleeskunk harvested 4 months ago,they didn't get any ideas..
That's very true my friend. I believe that people here are more evil than you think.. Not that open minded. Its sad but true. I think I should start first by checking if I could get a loan.. And move from there. :D. Its almost dry ice kief extraction mate. I'm harvesting soon :). Not the blueberries tho :)
Lousy pics but I have sincerely no time to breathe .. That's one of the criticals I have from royal queen seeds. I think it went almost a little longer than 8 weeks. Gotta check it again on my calendar. Not a smelly strain..definitely manageable and you can definitely count it for yield. Dense buds and man...so crystaly. I'll get some close ups this morning after work. You should see how she does..now I'll wait for final weight and smoke report.. :)


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Hey man, geez you guys have been busy lol.
Would be awesome to buy a house mate, i would if i could :)
Love the idea of the lunch truck too Mo, you could make a killing if it was kept secret!!
That critical looks wicked too mate, nice to see a good yielder too :)
I keep checking em mate.and i can tell you that ,that critical had the densest bud of those 2 phenos i have,but flowerpower is...POWER.I gotta admit it,it can't even compare to the buds FP has :D.Red Poison (one of the 3 phenos harvested) has the biggest yield as it looks..will see how it will do dried.. :).

I have to buy something mate.I'll check if i can get a loan in 2 days,and move from there.I'll be checking houses too.
I've asked what do i need to get a lunch truck but it's too much right now,too much to invest for me and a lot of uncertainty in return.I really really don't feel i can trust anyone else right now ..!
I'll go get the pics :)
Kc 45 is the tallest.. C+ is the short auto flowering and the sativa winner of 2012..moonshine haze.. Man I'm so eager to smoke that haze. It will be so full of flavour.. They look good but those marks on the C+ got worse.. I did not find ANY bug sitting on it or leeching it.. I think its a mutation .... Am I pointing the right way guys ?its always nice to go and relax a little there.. That sativa is as tall as I am ..1.80m :)


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I'll be doing some dry ice kief extraction guyz,and i was wondering what should i do with the kief ? press it like bubble hash or buy a pollen press and go from there ?Also the temps are getting hotter and hotter...should i store my stash in the fridge ? NOt the freezer ?
I pressed mine - the CO2 is dry. Is your plant material dry? I ground the shit out of my buds by mixing small amounts with dry ice and spinning it in the coffee grinder. Worked great. Might have worked better if I had used a finer mesh (used 220) but it was still some tasty green hash. Piles of sticky resin that I pressed in a rolled up parchment paper (made a log). Make sure you cover everything or have your system closed because it is like working with powdered super glue. The sticky gets everywhere!

Mr Goo Dry Ice Hash:
That is weird - it posted the pic on a separate post!


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Oh my.. Such a lovely brick :D. Mine is wet so I'll have to dry it..where do you keep your weed now that its summer ? I have no cool place in my house right now. Everything is 24+celcius fridge will do ? Also how much of dry ice and trims do you mix together ? I think I'll use a finer mesh for me and the 220 bag for the rest of the material . I'll make an area to work with . I can't have that sticky thingie everywhere.. :D . Well that might sound childish but how would you smoke it ?
That's what's drying right now.. :)


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