5train that hasn't been raped by mankind?


Active Member
I only go back as far as the end of the 60's, but certainly by 72-73 there was an influx of cannabis that was of a potency and narcotic effect that was as outstanding as anything I've tried since.

The real Golds that was everywhere mid 70s.. tasted just like whole cream.. wow.. nothing like it..

The Panamanian stuff that came in 76-77.... it really was 'red'.. well.. at least the hairs were.. it was very nice..

But the Thai sticks we would get every several months from this little oriental man in San Jose in I think it was 76... that was so narcotic in effect that you felt like you were taking off as you were walking, catching trails all the way..

God I miss good grass like that..

I'm a medical user now, and I only eat it, and I prefer low potency stuff because I can eat more of it and it seems to help.... BUT, if I could get grass like that columbian or Thai stick again, I would go back to being a 'freak' no questions asked.

...............just my anecdotal experience.. everyone else's mileage may vary.


New Member
Afropips.com is still up and running. There's a few banks carrying their gear. Personally, I like all their landrace strains, specially Nigerian! Its supposed to have 30% THC content, and is also known as amphetaweed. Amateurs are to take warning, and to use caution because of it's high potency. They don't ship to the USA, but I have a family member working in a country they do ship to! I have plans to breed my own medical hybrids using several Afghanica phenotypes, and a few pure Sativas from Africa, Philippines, Nepal, Vietnam, Mexico, and Thailand. There's a lot of ancient landrace strains that have been acclimated for indoor, or the different latitudes and altitudes in the USA and Europe. The Hippy generation did some of the most important work; without them there wouldn't be so many hybrids. Ed Rosenthal said that protoplasm from original cuttings taken from N.California by the Dutch banks in the early 80's can be found in all modern hybrids today. That proves how much work came from the Hippy movement, and how important it's been to the entire world. The most excellent and stable strains like northern lights, skunk#1, california orange are just some of the genetics you can find in all the popular strains today! Some of those famous landraces of the seventies may not be cultivars anymore, but I'll bet that you can still find them growing wild in places like Panama, Columbia and Thailand. If you traveled to these places, you might even find some very old men that kept those cultivars in their family, and might even get lucky enough to go home with seed!