5th week of flower... how we lookin'??


Well-Known Member
I was just planning on straight h20 the week before I chop... once I get some milky trichomes and start seeing some amber just plain jane water let em finish up.
Def that will work. Before you cut it. Let her dry out good though. It will help dry her. I just wouldn't worry about putting 20 gallons of water through it, it will absolutely do nothing. Good work though. Like I said you did a great job keeping the colars even and it seems like you have good air flow.


Well-Known Member
I concur with @lllies1984... flushing is for toilets ;)

Your plants look great, and yes the last few weeks will be when the weight (and trichs) really pack on. Everybody's different on when they pull, for us, we wait until around 50% amber. The result is more gooey, denser buds. We like our medicine strong for the press. You ever had rosin dabs?

I would feed potassium until the week before harvest to build resin, that's where all the magic happens. The more resin, the more medicine.


Well-Known Member
I concur with @lllies1984... flushing is for toilets ;)

Your plants look great, and yes the last few weeks will be when the weight (and trichs) really pack on. Everybody's different on when they pull, for us, we wait until around 50% amber. The result is more gooey, denser buds. We like our medicine strong for the press. You ever had rosin dabs?

Yes sir... Looking for some heavy hitting end product.. I will let them amber up before chop


Well-Known Member
Before flushing just look at ur runnof it dont lie i reuse my promix need to flush it when i was using syntetic nute i use to feed 500ppm and not more then 900ppm in flowering and my soil runnof was 1700ppm so flushing was my best way to go .
And to much phosphore will make the bud taste more harsh good luck now im organic and feed water from begining to harvest so good .!

Lies is using 100 strenght that alot of salt remember that a plant cant take more ppm then he cant absorbe
Sorry for my english i am french

Potassium sulfate is good enhancer for the taste

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
I flipped the girls to 12/12 on 5/19...so I think I have a few more weeks left... 3-4 then do a plain RO water flush while they finish up....

Also. When do they start to really pack on weight? Last 3-4 weeks right?
I agree with the others and Illies1982 that say do not flush.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Before flushing just look at ur runnof it dont lie i reuse my promix need to flush it when i was using syntetic nute i use to feed 500ppm and not more then 900ppm in flowering and my soil runnof was 1700ppm so flushing was my best way to go .
And to much phosphore will make the bud taste more harsh good luck now im organic and feed water from begining to harvest so good .!

Lies is using 100 strenght that alot of salt remember that a plant cant take more ppm then he cant absorbe
Sorry for my english i am french

Potassium sulfate is good enhancer for the taste
It is great to try to help. but I think you stand alone here about whether he should flush or not. Everyone has there opinion, just want you to know if you go around suggesting someone flush without being sure, you are going to come up against some others taking the other side that are not as nice as the people here on this thread. Just a heads up of what to expect.


Well-Known Member
It is great to try to help. but I think you stand alone here about whether he should flush or not. Everyone has there opinion, just want you to know if you go around suggesting someone flush without being sure, you are going to come up against some others taking the other side that are not as nice as the people here on this thread. Just a heads up of what to expect.
So you say ppm runnof dont matter is just that i fell like flushing help last week before harvest get rid of those salt. Do you ever check ur runnof ppm and ph ?
ppm ph run off is a waste off time it changes to much. If your plants healthy what is the point. Again flushing is for grower error. Doesn't do anything for flavor or finishing product.


Well-Known Member
10 years flushing my soil and my toilets 30 lol and now im giving only tap water in my organic mix that guru help me tweak .

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
So you say ppm runnof dont matter is just that i fell like flushing help last week before harvest get rid of those salt. Do you ever check ur runnof ppm and ph ?
I did all of those things for awhile and have stopped.
I was growing dank weed for many years before 2016. Then I got online and I learned about flushing, run off, and run off PH and started over watering. It took me 3 bad grows of not so great crystal to learn what my problem was. The biggest problem was I started over watering. I will find out in about 7 weeks if I have my game back as I am 2 weeks into flowering with healthy plants.
Here is some bud porn from 2015 before I lost my way. Hoping I have some decent bud porn to show in the next few weeks that is real time, it's been to long :sad:

agree, I've made a lot of mistakes as well. I'm a big believer cannabis needs a dry period. I do think it builds thc as well. I use dehumidifier in flower. In the last 2 weeks I run it down to 25% That and a few other tricks really help make it frosty. But genectic's are most important factor. If you want a lot of thc buy a strand known for it.


Well-Known Member
The biggest thing to learn about growing in soil is when watering, you must thoroughly drench the soil, not just the root base. The second biggest thing to learn is to let the soil dry out nearly completely (stick your finger in the top 2-3 inches, if its dry and crumbly, time to water).

Back when I was a newb and growing in soil, my biggest hurdle was understanding the roots needed oxygen to breath. I would give my plants 'a drink' every day or two. Big, HUGE mistake that a lot of folks tend to make early on. Waterlogging sucks, you've got to let the darn thing dry out first. Not bone dry but darn close.

MJ hates wet feet.

btw, @swedsteven nice buds! What strain is that?


Well-Known Member
My last grow, I used Fox Farm nutes successfully UNTIL I added cha ching. I used it at full strength and it wiped out my Animal Cookies plant. It burned the sugar leaves clear into the buds. Had to chop that plant early to try to salvage what I could. In the same grow, I had Platinum Blue Dream that handled the cha ching like a champ tho.

Start out at a really low dose of Cha Ching to see how the plants do with it.
I had the same problem used it plenty of times no problem...until my last run used full strength on my cookie kush and decimated my whole grow!!advice being start with half dose and go up from there